Posts by oneinamiyeon

    It's surprising reading some of the "they have no stage presence" takes here. Then again, it's kinda understandable for those who prefer the standard kpop they're used to.

    This would be my how-to guide to achieve the natural stage presence of NewJeans:

    Start with a demandingl kpop routine. Make it look more spontaneous than choreographed. More like they are having fun amongst themselves which naturally draws in the audience's Attention instead of outwardly seeking it. Really dance and look happy instead of focusing on striking killer poses and looking stoic. And finally make it look effortless (I'm guessing this is where the low energy take comes from) instead of looking winded with the obligatory heavy breathing for the ending fairy.

    I actually hope their competitors studying them think the same and don't all start copying this aspect since it's the contrast that makes it work. Thesis-antithesis-synthesis.

    It's an interesting test that fandoms of groups that are fortunate to reach the top in their generation will have to contend with. Unfortunately success inevitably comes with hate. Now that the baton has been passed to NewJeans, it's a given their fandom will have to deal with it as well. How they deal with it will either make them arrogant or "confident".

    Let's introduce "confidence" to this discussion. Connotation aside, what makes it differ from arrogance - or what's the fine line between arrogance and confidence? As pointed out, arrogance involves having an "exaggerated" sense of importance/accomplishments etc. By this definitional focus, confidence is being able to back up your statements with receipts.

    The same would go for accusations - could be emotionally driven (or logically deployed to trigger emotions) in an exaggerated way, or could be warranted with solid receipts. On the receiving end, despite meeting the objective criteria for confidence and bringing receipts, subjectively a fandom could still be perceived as arrogant. Emotions vs logic.

    I don't know what difference it makes functionally though. Steve Jobs, to give just a single example of top performers, was considered arrogant. Not sure what positive difference it would have made results-wise if he just stayed confident - just the opposite, I can think how it could've made a negative difference.

    Here's how they fared on a standalone basis as of the time of this post:


    Bop (74) 52%

    Flop (35) 24%

    Blop (34) 24%

    Total (143)


    Bop (53) 60%

    Flop (13) 15%

    Blop (23) 26%

    Total (89)


    Drama vs UNTOUCHABLE - Which title track do you prefer?

    Drama (21) 62%

    UNTOUCHABLE (13) 38%

    Two theories that could account for some of the discrepancy:

    1) Mys are more competitive than Midzys

    2) A variation of the "success stan" phenomenon where opinions have shifted now that Untouchable hasn't met performance expectations

    Also interesting is the coincidence that 143 total Drama voters = 62% of 232 total voters combining the two standalone polls (89 total Untouchable voters = 38%).

    I'm confused by the qrt.

    On its face to a disinterested observer, Back in my days this was called 'western validation' could just be pointing out that things have improved since then suggesting the negativity their faves had to overcome.

    But accounting for Kpop stan dynamics, let's assume other-directed shade. Then it would represent a similar outlook as catzi in this thread indirectly shading all other groups that are not IVE - the subjective perception, accurate or not, that their faves had to deal with disproportionate criticism, so it's baffling to her why IVE doesn't get its equal share of criticism. So, ironically, their rhetoric is identical, the targets of collateral damage just differ - it's borne of a difference in agenda, not of philosophy or way of reasoning.

    But what about the connotation of the use of "western validation" as an admittedly poor but an unfortunately kinda default and popular term to describe the phenomenon? Does it necessarily imply shade?

    Not sure since it apparently isn't when they themselves use it when talking about groups other than IVE that they purportedly like, such as aespa:

    Its embarrassing to see sm pushing my girls like that... They would slay so hard with a "we dont need western or gp validation or whatever" attitude and kept releasing bops and break kpop industry every time they drop a teaser

    From RE: SM Need To Stop Pushing AESPA In The West When There's No Demand

    But then again, I'm not sure whether she actually likes aespa or not.

    I wonder if the following was said about IVE, would it be regarded as constructive criticism or hate?

    "Its embarrassing to see starship pushing IVE like that... They would slay so hard with a "we dont need western or gp validation or whatever" attitude of Wonyoungism and kept releasing bops and break kpop industry every time they drop a teaser"

    What song does this remind me of? Lord It's going to bother me all day now. It's the chorus... That said, this is like the best NMIXX song I've ever heard.

    Stop, ireumeun beoryeo, Mr. Rover run for roses, roses, roses?

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    pretty sure there's 2 separate cases iirc.
    1st is the where they lost. where they want out of the contract.
    2nd one is where the fans keep calling "real cases" that still ongoing about all the misstreatment.

    honestly this things is hard to follow

    It's hard because attention spans are short and perfect targets for mediaplay. If you zoom out and read between the lines, the picture becomes clearer:



    The injunction (to terminate contract) case was dismissed - the court would only entertain the girls returning and would not allow for the introduction of evidence. Mediaplay made it seem like the girls didn't have evidence and "lost" the case. It's an easier pitch for the less informed to accept than the possibility the case was prematurely ended in a potentially eyebrow raising way.

    Think about it. If Attrakt worked so hard to keep the girls in contracts, you have to ask why JHJ would, after getting the case (to terminate those very contracts) dismissed, turn around and then so easily terminate the contracts? Could it be a way to silence the girls? Now the girls can't even appeal the case since they basically won. The irony.

    Anyways, that was a recap for season 1. Stay tuned for next season with more lawsuits, perhaps criminal cases this time. It ain't over til the fat lady sings.

    As they should. The law firm JHJ hired is very expensive indeed.

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    Korea air just revealed their new AI flight attendant and her name is "RINA" as a reference to Karina

    and people still have the gut to deny Karina impact when even the biggest company in korea are inspired by her MyTaglist

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    They did ae-Karina dirty...

    It's known that big companies often do get "inspired" by young whipper snappers from small agencies, and due to their nugudom, get away with straight lifting creative ideas from them, but did SM really just cross their fingers and hope no one notices on this one, lol.

    It's a shame. Riize are good performers and the music SM has gotten them is not bad. Doing this just distracts from that and just serves as a crutch that may not even be necessary. It just gives lack of confidence in their own creative ability, really.

    They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Were I MHJ, I'm not sure whether to be appalled or flattered. Regardless, you can copy what she has produced, but you'll always be one step behind if you lack the ability to create in the first place.