Posts by uwuwu-98

    HSH seemed to have chances to challenge Ditto and Supernova's numbers, but even if it resists Ive's promotions and Jisoo's comeback it will be blocked by G-Dragon himself lmao. I wonder what numbers he can make with the title, IU in a similar situation didn't manage to hit 400k, but it was the start of the rise in the ULs we saw last year. I've the feeling we can see something similar, March-April will probably be a good moment for comebacks regarding ULs.

    Like Disevidende said, there're less people using streaming services now. We can see it with circle points, but the most obvious thing is the Melon ULs, which is literally the number of people listening songs in the last 24h, and they're less than the half than what it used to.

    I personally don't think it's that people moved from Melon to other streaming services (apart from Youtube which is a fact), because we can see songs reach the 100M streams certification when they reach a similar amount of Melon streams than what they needed in the past, so my most logic explanation is that the music consumption and free time habits have changed in general. For example Tiktok, you can't listen to music while you're using Tiktok, you need to listen to it and, in many cases, you listen to the music there and you find the new music there. We can't see that in the streaming charts, maybe we can see it somewhere in places like the Circle social chart but it's more complicated to measure.

    The decrease of different #1s in a year is because of 2 reasons:

    1. The drop of downloads and rise of streaming. Downloads obviously just reflect its impact in the short run unlike streaming. Prior to 2012 the digital market was completely dominated by downloads, which translated in songs having a super short run in the charts. In 2013 there was a price change in downloads which made them drop, streaming started to rise, but the digital market was still in the rise, so downloads were still really relevant and even rose after the initial drop of 2013, repeaking around 2017-2018. In late 2019 it started to be noticeable the download market was decreasing a lot (Gaon/Circle hide it but we could see it through the certifications), streaming started dominating everything to the point downloads are almost irrelevant nowadays.

    2. The system change of the charts in 2020. Summarized, they changed realtime charts with 24h charts, making it way more difficult for new songs to chart high. For some reason koreans seem to focus their streaming habits on charts a lot, so this caused a lot of artists that were guaranteed hitmakers thanks to people noticing about their songs through the charts directly disappear. Now promotions are way more important, that's why only we see few non idol artists topping the charts nowadays.

    I didn't expect this to be this long, sorry lmao.

    Regarding the topic, honestly the charts and the streaming habits of Korea change that much that I don't think we can measure something like competition with numbers. Also, Kpop dominates the charts now since 2022 I'd say, and it did during the 2nd gen (when Kpop probably peaked in Korea), but the truth is that during the 3rd gen most of the biggest hits of Korea were coming from soloists and non idols. Half or maybe more of those #1s during 2015-2020 are probably not idols, with some cases like 2019 when we didn't have any group song topping the charts until Psycho did in December. The korean charts are a representation of the korean public, not of Kpop.

    After all this boring essay... IMO the most competitive year was 2017, like I said I don't think we can measure it just with numbers, it's just my feeling as someone who has been checking the charts for longer and more frequently than I'd like to recognize lmao.

    Oh damn, I had completely forgotten Plave was coming back today too.

    Bad news for Ive, the momentum the comeback could give to Rebel Heart is gone, and it's always going to be more complicated to rise and get more attention with one of the biggest fandom streaming fandoms blocking the charts.

    Awful news for the charts, the ULs were really low so Plave has it easier to go to the top. The whole album is charting above HSH right now, it could be what we'll be seeing during several hours the next days or weeks.

    People say this about every stat, basically, but there's no such thing is unbreakable records.

    Well yeah but there're things more impressive than others. There isn't any artist that have occupied the top 2 of the charts for 3 consecutive months... NJ did it with the top 3. We're probably not seeing it again because no one was even close to do something similar. Can it happen again? Yes of course, if it happened once it can happen twice, but it is almost impossible.

    I was going to tag you specifically, but I always forget which uwuwu you are when all the options pop up LOL

    I'm also torn between the two stats you mentioned, but for the second of the two, isn't that already linked in Statistic B? 66 consecutive weeks?

    I can't see that kind of achievement being replicated ever again, but I also feel the same about Statistic A--both have never happened before.

    It is linked indeed, but the most important point is the amount of weeks their songs accumulated.

    68 consecutive weeks is a lot but can be replicated (Aespa with Supernova and Whiplash are probably going close to 50 for example), but the fact that they had several songs charting most of the time and accumulated something like 160-180? with all their songs, surpassing every other artist whole discography apart from 3 is insane.

    Out of the ones you mentioned, for me it's the first one. To have 3 songs on the top 3 spots of the charts for 3 consecutive months is something we're probably not seeing again. We might see it for some weeks, or maybe when a big artist like IU or G-Dragon release an album we can see something similar for some time, but 3 months... All that with the bonus of Hype boy being a 5-7 month old song in that moment, and with Attention also charting in the top 10.

    However the most impressive thing they did for me is the streak in the top 10 since their debut until they first left. I don't have the numbers exactly, and I don't think many chart accounts updated about it since it's not something we've ever seen before, but since Attention's entry in the top 10 until ETA left the top 10 in around November 2023 I think? They had all the time at least a song (and most of the time 3...) charting in the top 10, and in those 70~ weeks they accumulated with their songs more weeks in the top 10 than any artist ever in Korea apart from Davichi, BB and IU. I don't know how I'd word it to label it as a "record" since like i said is not even similar or close to the rest of achievements we're used to see, but I find this the most impressive thing they did chart wise without any doubt. I'm pretty sure the NJ charts account said something about it when ETA left the top 10, maybe you can find it so we can see the exact numbers.

    Ive's comeback was well planned. Rebel heart should be close to its peak now and it managed to reach #2, but the album release next week is probably going to boost it even more. Also with Rebel heart being quite succesful I'm expecting a better debut for Attitude. They could release 2 solid hits this era if they've good longevity.

    Anyway we're back at just 1 song above 200k ULs. It's still unknown wehn G-Dragon's comeback will be that should be the most likely thing to boost the charts, and NJ that should make it too could take months until they release something. I don't think BP solos can help that much looking at Jennie's debuts and Toxic till the end not rising that much even after APT.

    For me personally, I would NEVER choose a song for song of the decade with those kind of numbers in Korea UNLESS it peaked as high as Cupid...which HYLT did not.

    Well you have the reason for your disagreement with blinks here. You worth Korea the most, while they focus on overall streams. Both points are valid imo, but people like to put their opinion above the rest.

    Can't blame you all, I've done it for years too lmao.

    In Korea it's Hype boy.

    In the west it's Cupid.

    In overall terms, it's probably between HYLT and Ditto (Ditto wins in Korea and Japan, I think they're not far in the US but correct me if I'm wrong, and HYLT wins in most other markets logically considering BP's popularity), but honestly I don't think there's a 100% objective choice, it depends on how much you weight each achievement.

    I've started to enjoy this aespanjeans account. I was super pissed last year about this account, Sniper and other big ARMY accounts spreading missinformation last year, but at this point they're becoming so ridiculous I think it's bringing more positive things than negative. When we didn't know that much information they could mess up, but now all their claims are completely ridiculous and desperate, it's a constant selfexposing and the only people who agree and pay attention to them seriously are these brainwashed Hybe stans that are never going to change so who cares?

    It's not just that their claims sound so ridiculous that reinforces NJ's position proving them wrong over and over, but they also sometimes hate on other fandoms because of dumb fanwars putting more people against them (there's some kind of fanwar against BB now? Pretty ridiculous, and they've been hating on Aespa for months too) and you know, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

    J personally does not log on anymore. alexS and the rest of us handle the forum, but even with that said please do be mindful of what you say. It is the same as what I ask of you all to do when commenting on other users as well.

    Same as 2020 when they promised the change with the revamp, but it was obvious what was gonna happen. They just hide everything that happened right before and left the forum to the new staff and forget about it, this time with Akp VIP and more ads to make more money.

    Ontopic, like already mentioned Akp has a way messier past, this is nothing.

    Today Rebel heart charted quite good, I think it will do better these next weeks. The album release is also going to push it more for sure. It's not gonna be a huge comeback but if the title is also succesful they'll be fine, only problem is the low ULs so we can't expect a high peak.

    I've said some weeks ago I'm not answering this user anymore, it's worthless. Chemotter explained it perfectly, they don't really care about our answers, they just want to troll a bit, cause confusion, discuss...

    Their points are always weak and don't make too much sense, most of the times just subtle shade to bunnies but nothing else, the fact that their posts are long don't mean anything when they've over 1000 posts repeating the same 3 or 4 things over and over with other words. I've also notized several times they don't find an answer to some of bunnies valid points they use the "we can't be sure about that" excuse (many times regarding Hybe intentions or the consecuences of the girls actions) and move on because, like already said, they don't really care about us giving valid answers, they prefer to leave the door open, continue arguing and maybe making some people that is not that invested doubt about their position.

    What shocks me is that there're some people that can be this invested in something that is not even about their favs. I wouldn't give a fuck about all this if it wasn't strictly related to NJ's future, but just like Twitter or Reddit Hybe stans these are people that spend HOURS EVERYDAY getting information and discussing about a topic that they shouldn't even care that much about... Isn't it sad?

    Both are really similar tbh, I wouldn't put any above the other.

    If we rank the songs released in the year, it's basically:

    I am=Supernova


    Then thanks to its longevity Armageddon seems a bit bigger than Baddie but Ive had Either way making it into the top 10 for some weeks and Off the record did better than Live my life.

    I'm not counting Up since even if it's under Aespa's credits is a Karina solo, and the rest of the songs are meaningless.

    The difference in points comes from Ive having a better previous year than Aespa (Ive 2022>>>Aespa 2023) but ranking the years themselves is a virtual tie, the weeks in the top 10 are actually a quite good reference, 4 weeks more or less could be because of timing or small differences in the success of some songs, but the fact that they're that close explains everything.

    The NJ ridiculous success back to back in their comebacks rose the bar, but both comebacks I've Ive and Armageddon are probably among the biggest gg comebacks ever regarding Korea. For example the only 3rd gen gg comebacks comparable are Square up and The Album (and this last one including the prereleases months before)

    Obviously IVE spend more weeks in top 10 cuz they dropped kitsch in March 2023

    In comparison aespa dropped Supernova in May 2024

    Regarding this, both songs (and comebacks in general including I am/Armageddon) were out of the top 10 before the end of the year, so the timing had no impact at all. If anything you could say that about Whiplash, but Baddie was also charting in the top 10 at the end of 2023.

    Anyone defending Hybe on the dorm topic is being completely ridiculous and don't deserve an answer. I'm not even gonna comment on the topic since it's as clear as day. I may say though that some of the things Hybe are doing AFTER all this mess began last April are surprisingly dumb, they should know everything they do is going to backfire but they keep harassing the girls with the Belift video, the leaked predebut content, now this... They're just giving them more tools lol.

    The most important thing though, how funny it is to see the girls laughing at Hybe, and of course the reaction of Hybe stans acting like if these 16-20 years old girls are the devil. Them posting the Clarks shoes and Dani posting 20 pics tagging the brands she works with right after Ador's announcement with the injunction is hilarious lmao. I love to see how confident they are, and with all the dirt we're seeing I can't even imagine that Ador's injunction is going to succeed, but well we've to wait some months for that.

    The gap between BP and the rest of 3rd gen groups post 2020 is probably the biggest, but the fact that during so many years (several years when the groups where supposed to be peaking and they were way more active than now) they were below/similar to Twice makes it difficult to judge.

    NJ's dominance was way more obvious until last year, sadly Hybe's mess put them in a different situation and we've to see now how they continue their career. It seems in Korea they're going to continue the same but the international impact is more complicated to predict.

    SNSD would be my choice for now until we see what happen with NJ since they were the undisputed #1 from 2009 to 2015, and not just the biggest gg but the biggest kpop act during 2009-2011 which is something no other ggs could achieve.

    The drop in sales is just returns. Big companies have been doing this for a long time, but 100k sales of returns for an album that sold 400k is pretty crazy, and a good example of how Hybe tries to boost the numbers of the first week sales to fake achievements and mediaplay. It's also possible they estimated higher sales after the succesful debut, they never read the situation properly and expected Illit was bigger than they thought, same as how they never expected NJ to survive all this.

    Nothing new, just more evidence that what was being exposed is true and how dumb Hybe is.

    MHJ sent 1000 pages!!! of evidence lmao.

    Belift is being smart recognizing they might have copied NJ actually. There's no way they can win this, the only option they've left is trying to blame MHJ for something, anything, and if they win one of the random lawsuits they're gonna mediaplay it as much as they can. They chose the defamation since they know MHJ's press conference is the thing that made the most buzz about all this mess, and they know 3 fandoms are going to support them blindly in social media with anything they say about that against MHJ.

    And honestly they might win some lawsuit, but... who cares at this point? I've noticed how they've changed their focus completely. Now everything they were saying MHJ did previous to April 2024 is barely relevant anymore, they're focusing on what happened after that. Like... Have we forgotten this whole mess is because of the illegal audit? And how MHJ called them out? And how she won the first injunction? And how Hybe might have to pay her 30B won for kicking her out illegally? Belift (and Soumu, Hybe...) are betting everything on DEFAMATION lawsuits against their groups that happened while this mess was ongoing, but apart from MHJ having to pay them some money (and the mediaplay they'd do as the "winners") there's no more consequences for her. It's also an amount of money way smaller than what MHJ might receive from Hybe, and probably nothing compared to the money she's making by herself now that her popularity blew up in Korea, let alone if she keeps working with NJ in the future...

    I also have to mention it sadly, I saw several Illit accounts (including a big fanbase) spreading missinformation again regarding what the judge said. I know they want to defend their favs but I wonder how they've not yet realized how much all this is damaging the group. It seems it doesn't matter how much Belift messes up they're not going to blame them never when they're the ones that created the whole issue. Belift saying Illit is underperforming now because of MHJ, when the only thing MHJ did was calling out Belift's actions, is a nonsense, it's basically to recognize that they're doing now worse because the truth has been exposed, that they prefered everybody to believe their lies if that meant to make their group succesful...

    Anyway like I said before, I feel the MHJ topic is more or less closed already. Some will pay the other some money but there's no relevant consequence for any side at this point, the interesting part is on NJ's situation. I wonder when we'll have news about what they're going to do next.