Posts by uwuwu-98

    I may add, all this buzz regarding Illit's topic is quite useless, it's one of the most irrelevant points of all the legal battle. Ador is focusing on it because they know the best way to get support is something related to other groups so the fandoms will defend them, but the greeting is just one small thing compared to the rest of the things NJ complained about.

    You won't see Hybe stans talking about Hybe leaking Hanni's VISA situation.

    You won't see Hybe stans talking about SouMu leaking NJ predebut videos without consent.

    You won't see Hybe stans talking about the internal documents recognizing that Belift used (original) Ador's content to create Illit.

    You won't see Hybe stans talking about Hybe telling NJ not to wear the black ribbon in their performance in Japan.

    You won't see Hybe stans talking about SouMu having to pay a fine to (original) Ador because stealing Hyein's deal with LV

    You won't see Hybe stans talking about Hybe boycotting their relationship with Dolphin Kidnappin (Ditto's MV director).

    You won't see Hybe stans talking about the confirmed mediaplay Hybe has been doing against NJ, and them contacting reporters to put them in a worse position, like it has already been confirmed by periodists themselves.

    And I could go on, you will only see Hybe stans talking about how Illit greeted Hanni because it's literally the only thing they can twist to fit their narrative.

    Well NJZ is winning this obviously. Ador's side just said they invested money on them which means literally nothing, and the only "strong" point they tried to make was about Illit's greeting issue, and about that:

    The CCTV is not even from the same day. Even if it is, it doesn't prove anything. Hanni has said since the 1st day that Illit indeed greeted her, she complaint about the 2nd time they met and how she heard a manager saying to ignore her. Ador said that video is deleted, but somehow they still saved this one...

    Anyway the fact that they're releasing this video now is just to cause confusion, we can see it in Twitter how Hybe stans are calling Hanni a liar because Illit greeted her when that was never even the point of the problem and, I insist, she literally mentions Illit greeted her. Well, not even Illit, she didn't even say Illit's name, it was Hybe who mentioned it later, let's not forget that. This twisting of Hanni's words remind me to MHJ's press conference, when she literally said how Illit was not guilty and it was the company's fault, but Hybe stans created the narrative that she was hating on illit and was the origin of all the hate the group has ever received.

    About the chats, there's one text from Hanni saying how she understands how Illit members could find the situation uncomfortable. She's receiving tons of praise in Korea for her maturity. Hybe tried to show it to make it seem like she was laughing at the situation, but the "funny" situation is just mentioned by Hanni in a way to explain MHJ she's not hurt by the issue and that she shouldn't worry. Anyone reading the whole conv and with some social skills can understand the context but ig Hybe stans lack that. A screenshoot can make buzz in Reddit and Twitter but it's not gonna work on court, actually like I said in Korea it has already backfired.

    It's quite sad to see Hybe stans around saying how Hanni is a liar and blablabla. I've seen like 50 tweets today averaging 10k likes about this and it's not like if I care since I know it's all Hybe stans, we could find smth similar on reddit, but it's becoming quite boring to see how in any NJ related topic we have these fandoms camping and victimizing themselves. Both LSFM and Illit were just mentioned for context and both MHJ and NJ have only complained about Hybe and the managers, like always since day 1. Other fandoms inserting themselves and victimizing are one of the main reasons their own favs receive hate, now with the text of Hanni saying she understands Illit members they have other chance to try to separate themselves from the issue, do you think they will?

    Anyway the most interesting new about today is probably not even related to NJ, it's MHJ's email to Hybe complaining about the internal documents that were exposed months ago, leaving here a tweet with the translation for if someone is interested.

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    Now anticipating NJZ guaranteed win in the legal battle and also to see Hybe stans crying about how biased and corrupt the Korean system is lmao.

    I don't think those things should be an issue? I mean, all those videos were recorded when they were still under Ador. Obviously, when they signed the contract there had to be some clause that mentions them allowing Ador to use any content recorded for their official channels, and when they were recording it there were no complains, so those videos are "owned" by Ador and with the previous consent of the girls to be uploaded, but everything is just things and agreements that happened before finalizing the contracts. I don't think the girls could tell Ador not to upload it, that argument would have been an almost guaranteed win for Ador, it's like agreeing to something, regretting later and complain about it, I think ignoring it like they did was probably the smartest option.

    As long as they completely separated themselves from Ador AFTER terminating the contracts they should be fine.

    Am I the only one who thinks something is coming sooner than expected? When they first announced the perf. the 23rd I (and most people) assumed they were going to perform the song the 23rd and later start the promotion of the redebut probably for April, something similar to what they did performing ETA in their first fanmeeting before the Get up teasers started.

    However they started to tease the song now? It's not even hints or pics, but the music itself. There's still 3 weeks left for the performance, so it would surprise me a lot if they start teasing the song to release it in 5 or 6 weeks.

    I think there're several options. They might release some "intro" like New Jeans (the song) before the actual comeback and that could be the song they're teasing now. Maybe they'll release the song right the same or next day of the performance. Maybe they'll release a MV like they did with Bubble gum before they start with the actual promotion period... But at this point it's obvious they're planning something different. They've always done everything in a unique way after all.

    Dynamite left the top 100 Melon daily chart. It will probably return, if not soon, when BTS comebacks. Anyway it left the 4th longest streak ever.

    Same day Hype boy surpassed Love dive's days as the longest charting gg song in this same top 100. People don't keep track of the daily chart but ig we'll soon start seeing Twitter accounts talking about the weekly Melon/Circle charts record. Regarding female artists in general (just female artists, exclusing a collab and AKMU), it's 3rd just below 2002 and Blueming, it would become the longest charting female artist song in May.

    I wonder if MMA will count the prereleases for G-Dragon's album in the AlOTY daesang. The rollout was a bit weird and the versions of the songs with the streams aren't included in the Melon page of the album and they still show up like singles. For example Celebrity was included in Lilac when the album was released, this seems more like a HYLT or Dynamite situation.

    People complaining about NJ's sound have always sound quite funny to me. It's true that they've this sound that everybody relates to them obviously, and that sound is the one that had the most success, in this case we all relate this teaser with Super Shy. But it's not like if they only have one sound? Yes that one is the most succesful but Get up literally had 3 title tracks and they were Super Shy, ETA and Cool with you, 3 completely different concepts and kind of songs. It's obvious they're going to continue doing the same, this teaser could be for the first track released like Super Shy but the title or other tracks are probably going to be different and obviously related with the new darker concept they've been showing in the complexcon teasers.

    This overreaction over a few secs teaser just shows who wants to hate on them for anything.

    Well I woke up today a bit worried about all the mediaplay I expected them to do in that conference, but it turned out to be a ridiculous show to recognize NJZ are right and the contract is not valid anymore, and then we even got teasers of the redebut. To be a NJZ hater must be so hard... at least they can continue living in their own world thinking they ruined their career while the girls keep being as succesful as always if not more, acticipating. So happy right now!

    Hype boy is probably catchier, easier to listen to and that's why it has that crazy longevity, but to me Ditto is one of those "perfect" songs. The composition is perfect, the lyrics are cute enough but not too cheesy with some memorable parts, the vibe is emotional, the MV and the era itself are deep and meaningful... It's one of those 4 or 5 songs I'd say they're one of my fav songs ever depending on the mood. I like it more now than before and I have the feeling the older I'll get the more I'll like it, It's the idea behind the song after all, the nostalgia.

    Well MHJ explained it perfectly when talking about Belift plagirizing them. It's ok to be inspired on other groups like everybody has always been, but once Hybe themselves copied their own group everybody was going to do it. Some groups copy the aesthetics, some others the album designs, some others marketing like the website, some others the promotion strategy... It's undeniable at this point and it's exhausting.

    This is bad for the groups who will receive undeserved hate because of their incompetent staff, bad for the fans that will be involved in fanwars since day 1, and bad for Kpop as a whole because they're killing creativity and just copying the strategy that worked the best in the last years, but no one really bothers to try something new.

    I insist I hope the group doesn't receive hate but the company who is behind all this, but it would be appreciated if the kpop community could start to acknowledge that bunnies were right when all this issue started last year.

    ... but the LSF comeback was confirmed last year ;judgingpepe: I like me some NJZ but this is reaching :pepe-sad:

    Tatiana goes too far sometimes, but she's not completely wrong here.

    Bunnies are not complaining about LSFM having a march comeback, they're complaining about them announcing it right ONE HOUR after NJZ announced the redebut. Do you think it was a coincidence? You know it's not.

    They obviously tried to make conflict among the fandoms, they knew some bunnies were gonna jump, they knew fearnots were going to defend Hybe... The tactics we've been seeing for a year.

    Fearnots should be the first ones mad at Hybe for using LSFM in this way but sadly a big part of the fandom have chosen to side with Hybe always.

    The visa issue must be one of the funniest episodes of all this mess. We've seen people that were supposed to be unbiased and "just hated MHJ" being directly racist and wishing Hanni to be deported, something that was never going to happen obviously. How it was mentioned in today's national assembly right before they made the big announcement also shows the current status of NJZ and Hanni in Korea right now, nothing to be worried about.

    They sold out their Complexcon day almost instantly, the demand is crazy right now. I'm really curious about the rollout of the redebut because the anticipation is insane.

    In Korea they're going to be as fine as always. They might not release hits as big as Hype boy or Ditto for the simple reason they were too big to replicate, it's like asking SNSD release more Gees or Twice more Cheer ups, but they're still probably the group with the most public support and one of the really few artists that will be able to release several hits together in their project regularly.

    Internationally I have more doubts though. What they were doing in 2022-2023 was basically breaking a barrier that only BTS and BP broke before, and all this mess happening right when they were still in the rise might have affected them. They've also a lot of Hybe stans against them that, like it or not, are a big part of western Kpop listeners, so I don't think they can replicate OMG/Ditto/Get up numbers unless some song become viral or they really nail all their following steps. They should still be able to perform like the rest of top 4th gen ggs though.

    Here we were worried about them having to choose something too different from NJ just for them to put a Z at the end LMAO.

    Also a big slap in the face to all the people saying they were not going to comeback in a long time and how their career was finished. I said it in the megathread yesterday, I was sure they weren't going to wait for the trial results... But it seems they're not even going to wait for the trial to happen hahaha.

    Can't wait to see what's next, I'm so so hyped now.