Posts by uwuwu-98

    The petition to investigate Hybe is now at 42k of 50k, with 4 days left. Today it got a big boost because Uaenas and Carats started supporting the project, if it continues getting the amount of signs it got today it would reach the 50k, but if it falls like these previous days it's going to be more complicated.

    I hope more fandoms will join the petition.

    I do not give two shits about that woman, I'm here for NewJeans and NewJeans only

    I say it to everybody regarding MHJ, if you don't like MHJ it's completely fine, but I find surprising that you (who I consider reasonable) have not yet assumed MHJ is tied to NJ in this situation. NJ winning means MHJ winning and the opposite, this whole plan was 99% sure made all together and the only reasonable option for NJ in the short term is to join MHJ with whatever she does after this because she already had planned YEARS of NJs careers.

    I don't know what you gain out of mentioning over and over how much you dislike her and post negative thoughts about her when you're supporting her plan because it's NJ's plan too, not sure if it's because your hate for her blinds you or what but if you really want to support NJ during this conflict just stay neutral about MHJ, respect the girls opinions (that are more valuable than ours) and then, when they win and we can start forgetting about all this, you can start your campaign to claim NJ's best option would be to separate from MHJ and follow their own careers in some years... But not now.

    I've enough with the tokkis fighting against themselves in Twitter (and not even because of this lmao), at least let's be on the same team here.

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    Again, i find so funny how these statements are focused on how much this can impact the industry and how people won't invest on Kpop that much, they don't give a fuck about the artists themselves.

    Maybe you all should have cared about creating a healthy environment instead of this fucked up industry that exploits idols? This was a bomb that was going to blow up sooner or later, if it hurts the companies I'm going to be the first one celebrating it.

    She's not worse than the average CEO of any company. Actually, pretty sure she's one of the best considering Hybe got YEARS of her private conversations and the worst they could find is her talking with a shaman and her swearing around with her friends, they had to manipulate screenshoots to put her in a worse position.

    I'm completely sure if we could get the private convs of any other CEO we would see waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay worse stuff. Actually not even a CEO, but almost any individual have content in their private conversations that would put them in a really delicate situation, and that content dropped out of context could completely destroy the public image of anyone, and when I say anyone I mean literally anyone.

    That being said, I don't think she's a saint, she's egotistic and I've seen her committing mistakes... But this public judgement she's living constantly has to be insufferable, she's being talked about as much or more than Bang PD or the CEOs of the Big 3 ever has when they've been involved in way more dirt. Also given the complication of the situations she has lived these last months I find the mistakes understandable, people don't empathyze when we talk about these things. People blaming her for mentioning their favs (Illit and LSFM) while defending herself after Hybe started a public campaign to destroy her public image, or shading her for swearing and making disgusting jokes or comments (who hasn't done some disgusting comment while talking with a friend? Come on) in the exposed screenshoots that were supposed to be private convs with people she has confidence with are dumb, they don't think about the context and just focus on the action itself.

    And of course, NJ and their parents know way more than me or anyone here, and if they trust on her, I trust too.

    And all that aside, she's one of the best professionals in Kpop, but I know it's not the topic.

    Thanks god this happened already. Ador is full of bullshit, I'm really positive, however this is gonna take long. Now the question is what are the next steps of the girls. Hopefully they can sign soon with other company and have normal activities while all this process is ongoing, they deserve to be able to act like normal idols for a while after all this mess.

    NJ was announced yesterday for the first day of the GDA (4th of January). I personally thought they weren't going to announce any schedule more, just do what they had planned (AAA the 29th of December was the last thing if I'm not wrong) and start preparing the next step. Now I wonder if they're going to do something else, it seems a bit unnecesary imo, but it's possible that they had already agreed to send NJ there before the contract termination and GDA are just announcing it now.

    It's starting to seem possible that Ador won't even try the injunction to cancel their activities, and if they do it seems they're going to wait until the girls announce something regarding their next potential company, so I'd like this period to pass fast so they can go back to normal ASAP. I also wonder what the girls have planned to contact the fandom, Instagram?

    This could be a month without new updates apart from some mediaplay.

    It's quite funny how this KMA statement basically confirms what NJ is doing is legal. They want them to stop because it's dangerous for companies and the industry but they can't really do anything about it if NJ goes ahead. It wouldn't surprise me if Hybe contacted them asking for some public support as they seem desperate to try to gain some sympathy,

    I don't want to sound rude but Ellenote sounds like some people that joined this in May during the discussion of the first MHJ injunction, talking about the doctored chat conversations, the """""SA"""""" case and how MHJ brought hate to LSFM and Illit.

    She skips Hybe leaking predebut content of NJ to Dispatch, the whole bullying case that reached the national assembly and the internal documents exposing Hybe for tons of things, including the plans to replace NJ.

    It's not just that what Hybe did is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay worse than MHJ, but many of the things MHJ was being blamed of turned out to be lies. I wouldn't bother to discuss these topics too much, we've already spent months with that. If someone don't want to get the proper information is fine, no one is forced to do it. I'd just appreciate they don't join the discussion, people here are interested in the resolution of all this and the future of NJ for real.

    The min heejin simps in here are so annoying because that women is just as evil as hybe yet we treat her like a saint. Sorry but I will never defend that women. She is vile just like Bang Sihuk, so money and power hungry.

    You're free to dislike MHJ, but if you say she's "as evil as Hybe" no bunny with a bit of information is going to agree. She has done wrong things, yes. You can dislike her personality, yes. Now Hybe has crossed every respectable limit specially regarding NJ, it's not comparable, not even close. It's not that we need them to be with MHJ because she's a goddess that is going to save them, but we need them to stay away from Hybe, the other option is MHJ, and the girls love her (and their opinion is way more relevant than ours), so honestly I don't know how any fan could think otherwise.

    Well it just took some few hours for the situation to backfire to Hybe, I'm completely sure they thought this was going to put MHJ on a delicate position but what has happened is:

    -No one believes Dispatch and Hybe anymore.

    -The chats have been proven to be edited, so they've no value.

    -They've proven they're stalking both MHJ and the girls.

    -Ador has not defended them, proving the point of the girls saying they aren't safe there. It's even likely Ador was aware or even involved in this situation, they're definitely more focused on bringing down MHJ than in trying to solve the situation with NJ. Let's remember things like Hanni's picture with MHJ is from way before the girls gave the 2nd ultimatum to the company, and just 1 or 2 days before Hanni went to the assembly for the new CEO to say she did all she could for them -.-

    -MHJ is suing both Hybe and Dispatch people.

    Hybe can't do anything at this point, any thing they'll try is going to backfire because all their points have been sustained by lies and misinformation. Now that people is aware they focus on small things and find out how Hybe's points are not valid, and now that MHJ is not in the company anymore she can sue back.

    Genuine questions, how does Dispatch work and how do we know their sources are reliable? At the moment, I'm treating them like any unreliable source network in the USA--paid, bought out, unreliable and filled with extremely biased opinions favoring higher ups with money.

    It is the most manipulative media website of Korea. They don't care if they're using illegal content (they exposed several idols couples by stalking them) or if it's reliable or not, they just post what can create the most buzz for their benefit. It's also pretty much confirmed they're linked with Hybe in some way specially after they posted the predebut content of NewJeans some months ago, they themselves recognized it was Hybe who gave it to them.

    Both Hybe and Dispatch are linked with the website I mentioned in my other post, when this is the average content you can find there:

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    It's obvious what kind of people are behind all this. In korea they're well aware, no one is buying this bullshit, what is really sad is that several times this make more buzz in the international community once it reaches these twitter accounts full of haters or places like Reddit that need things like this to feed their narrative.

    Well sooner or later the mediaplay had to start.

    They don't explain from where they got the chats, but it seems they used Girls Planet 999 (the incels website linked with Hybe) as the source for several things. They were also aware of the article dropping in the website too. Similar way of how they got the chats during the period of the first injunction that were confirmed later to be manipulated.

    They're also basically recognizing they're stalking the girls lmao. They're trying to act as if Hanni telling MHJ she's going to the national assembly or her being aware that they were going to do the live are big issues when it's something any rational person could guess. One thing is they decided to make those steps by themselves, other thing is that they didn't even tell MHJ which wouldn't make any sense since as we all know, they're really close.

    There're some things I'm gonna wait to have more info before judging but honestly there's nothing really relevant about the girls, they're just trying to make MHJ look like the worst person in the world again and relate the girls to her, probably to keep pushing the narrative they're manipulated.

    Let's also remember this is happening one day after BSH got exposed in Korea, it was receiving a lot of attention from everywhere and today they're still finding out more things about the topic.

    Regarding the contract, it's exactly the same thing Hybe did with MHJ, not sure if it was posted already but I saw in Twitter a lawyer talking about it.

    Instead of going to court they straight up say the other side violated the contract, and under the contract's clauses, the contract can be terminated. In this case it's the other side the one that has to say that it's not true and defend their case, MHJ did back then, Ador/Hybe will do it now. The resolution is the same, the court will have to decide if Ador/Hybe broke the contract or not, NJ just did that so they're "free" during the process, if they did the other way they'd still be in Ador.

    If the court sides with NJ this is better because they don't have to wait to do anything. If the court ends up siding with Ador, it would be worse because NJ's actions in this period could be considered to be against the contract too and it would give Ador advantage in future decisions, but after all if NJ can't terminate the contract they are going to be in the worst situation possible anyway, so they have nothing to lose~

    Well if they don't do it's basically like to recognize NJ's arguments, they'd be recognizing they mistreated the girls, they'd go against Ador's own statements saying they tried to solve the issues with Hybe... A company can't do that.

    Ofc NJ are in the right but from the company point of view they're probably going to try to find some ambiguous situation where it can't be proven they were mistreating them to try to at least not end up being seen like completely losers in this war. I still think it's not going to be enough since NJ have more than enough arguments, but Hybe needs to make it seem less bad than it is. They've been flopping so much that it wouldn't surprise me they make the situation even worse somehow though.

    They never wanted them to leave and continue their careers, they wanted NJ to disband, or to stay at Hybe for them to face the same situation Fromis_9 is living now. They've been pushing a fake narrative for months and now they see the possibility of NJ leaving and continue their careers happily is possible they're just turning mad and drop any nonsense that can fit their narrative. Same happened when MHJ announced she was leaving when they were asking for "the witch" to leave for months but suddenly when she left by herself it was a problem too. It's been months since they don't make any sense, if they ever did.

    First snow is going to have a crazy jump today.

    It's interesting how it wasn't even one of the relevant Christmas songs until a couple of years ago, in 2022 it did quite well and the trend of last year have turned it into a... national hit? Unless there's some surprise rise for other trend or other reason like that it seems it's going to be the leading Christmas song again this year.

    The thing is it's not just related with Christmas but also with the first snow obviously lol, and that's always gonna make it rise before the rest of the other songs. To be related not just with Christmas but with winter in general is better, like Sung si kyung's Every moment of you, we don't even talk here about that song but it's completely insane and it's because it's not just that it rises during Christmas but it's stable during the whole season, making it perform better during the rest of the year too.