I'm back with more spice:
If anyone has a vocalist they want to shout out, let me know!
AA -- Above Average
A -- Average
W-A -- Weak to Average
AA: Pink Fantasy's Yechan.
My thoughts: Pink Fantasy is a nugu group which has a good vocal foundation surprisingly. I like that this group has some older members, with Yechan being a 1995 liner. She's had vocal training for a very long time and it's shown in Awesome Babies or whatever group she was in before. I think she's been straining a lot recently, she's regressed from her past and she's been showing signs of exhaustion, G#3~B4/C5~E5 is probably her range as discussed, and while her nasality has increased, she's easily still the best 4th gen kpop vocalist, when she redebuted in 2018. She's a mid AA, and if she works on developing her issues, she can improve. She has nodules and sings with hoarseness at times. She does have a well developed lower better than Monday and Ningning both.
Cusp of AA and A: Weekly's Monday **
My thoughts: Weekly is a group with a big imbalance in vocal levels, and Monday stood out for her technique. There's a lot of debate between Monday and Ningning and who's better but I feel like it's a long time from now until we'd truly know as we need more vocal content from Ningning. Monday has a good mix, especially as shown in her covers. Her mix has a habit to go nasal and there are some phrased C5s that carried support but there were some others that were nasal or tight in her KOMS performances and songs. Her mix is probably from around F4 to G#4, however she can be inconsistent and have small issues. She reminds me of Yuju when she tries to keep the bright sound. She has a good head voice and good lows. She is quite good as a standout vocalist however she may need to work on her harmonies, as she loses her good breath support there.
Cusp of AA and A: Aespa's Ningning**
My thoughts: When Aespa debuted, I suspected all 4 could support, and I was correct with Ningning standing out as the best vocalist in the group by far. She's been compared to Bada for her tone, and I do see the similarities, especially with nasality. Ningning has better agility than Bada, and a willingness to control her runs. Ningning has shown good support with C5s, and if she shows a connected head voice, it would put her on AA for sure, as she has shown signs of having a strong head voice in her Lena Park cover. Ningning's support and development in B4~C#5 is much more than an "average" vocalist however she has only sang with a light approach so I can't judge her mix as well, she has the potential to be stronger. She needs to work on her nasality and breathiness at times, along with her connection in her head voice. Good lows as well.
Now this one I will break up into like several categories:
A: IZ*One's Yuri
A vocalist who surprised me once she debuted, Yuri is the only strong vocalist in IZ*One and has shown a lot more than she has been given credit for. Yuri has a clean mix with good support upto the B4 but she has a habit of pushing her B4s and above. She has a habit of singing outside of her supported range, not a very smart vocalist. She gets underestimated because she has always sung with a lighter approach tbh. She also has a habit of lowering her larynx as she gets lower which isn't a great habit to have. Only supports down to Bb3. Struggles with inconsistency at times. (Any IZONE fans who know more can tell me about her approach recently????)
A: Purple Kiss's Goeun
Goeun is the strongest vocalist in Purple Kiss by far, and since her PD48 days, has been showcasing her sense of support. While Purple Kiss is a newer group, they have a lot of content I have been watching for their vocals. She has support until B4/Bb4 according to her covers. She has a habit of dropping support at A3, which is great for a soprano. She does have the trademarks of a traditional "average" vocalist and I like her consistency across her covers.
A: Nature's Sohee
I haven't heard enough of her yet unfortunately, but she also reminds me of Yuri in the sense she has support up to B4 and she actually seems to have less pushing tendencies than Yuri. A REALLY good average. I haven't heard many talk about her.
A: Fromis_9's Jiwon
Someone asked me about Jiwon and I spent 2 hours tracking down material for her since idol school. Whoever told me about her was correct, as that she has regressed but still deserves a top spot here. Fromis is one of the better vocal groups these days and Jiwon is easily the best in her group. Her lower support is very good with some F#3s
A: BVNDIT's Jungwoo
BVNDIT is the 4th best vocal group so far besides duos like Lunarsolar, with an average main vocalist in Jungwoo. It's Jungwoo > Simyeong > rest. Simyeong is super inconsistent though. Songhee has potential. Her pitch could be better at times as her technique doesn't really allow for her higher notes to be that good. She does have an average understanding of support. She has great A4s and ok transitions. She supports up to B4, but again not a great sense of pitch, similar to a weaker TWICE's Jihyo.
A: CRAXY's Swan
Very impressed with her as well in CRAXY. She has great support through Bb4 but can get tense and pushy with her notes like C#5 which are unsupported. Again with the 3rd gen comparisons, she reminds me of Seunghee, with a good grounded approach however the way she is singing is often hard for her and around the end she does tend to fall a bit flat and unsupported. She needs to work on being clean and relaxed. She's had some rare nice C#5 moments.
A: PRISTIN's Sungyeon
Are they considered 4th gen? Anyways Sungyeon was a great vocalist, her note seperation was great, her tone + support were good, however she had a habit of shouting out high notes like TWICE's Jihyo and Loona's Chuu. She had a consistent sense of support and so much potential. I literally cried for Sungyeon once they disbanded. I was hoping she'd improve like her labelmate Raina.
Mid A: Dreamcatcher's Yoohyeon (yeah this has been discussed before in other places so I'm not spending too much time)
Lower A: Cherry Bullet's Haeyoon
A famous singer since PD48, I underestimated her in PD48 because she sang in her higher range a lot which is not great. All her high notes were pretty strained with a few nasality issues. She has tongue tension. I think Haeyoon supports okay making her average however there is some debate here about how supported it is. A very pretty tone but also quite airy at times, especially with the falsetto. She improved a bit from PD48.
Low A: Lightsum's Nayoung
I've been very impressed with her in her Lightsum debut video, she showed that she had a grasp of support which was very different from her PD48 days where I was convinced she was a weak vocalist. Granted it's light, but it's there with the proper phrasing to show it. It's great as gidle didn't use vocal trainers, clc didn't have great standout vocalists (still love them) and she's improved well. I want to hear more singing as now she's kinda in the lower place of average and some consider her a strong weak-to-average
Strong W-A: Secret Number's Denise
Denise has so much potential but she is very inconsistent. When she was predebut she had such a nice G#4 that showed she has a very nice lower range which is quite good, especially in these days. She doesn't support that well, Her Bb4s/B4s aren't that bad, so I do hope she can go up. There's an unfocused quality where she's struggling to round out her notes properly for support and that gets in her way. G3ish-A4/Bb4. She doesn't engage her breath support properly so that's a big thing to work on. She's not shallow unlike others here so I really think her problem is her breath.
W-A: GWSN's Seoryoung/Lena
The best vocalist in GWSN is Seoryoung, who doesn't really get supported because of her visuals but she is a nice weak-to-average vocalist. She's struggling with her pitch and placement, but she does have some support until B4, and she has potential with her skills. GWSN's Lena is also a ok vocalist with a nice sense of support but she needs to work on her confidence.
Any others added?
Heo Yunjin!
The second best vocalist in PD48, although she wasn't amazing, she had a better grasp of support on Bb4s and was the strongest on B4s, however was quite pushy above and could not sustain C5s and C#5s. I think there was another vocalist better who got eliminated at first round. Also debuting in HYBE continuing the tradition of nice main vocals.