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Posts by andydela
yes it turns around in the funniest ways Louis vuitton owns Celine, Bulgari, Tiffany & co. and Dior
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4th gen barely started we are nowhere near 5th gen
lol cmon, they dont need to use the secret weapon because their entire fanbases are already BTS fans. There isnt a single MOA/Engene who isnt at least a a casual fan/listener of BTS. Many MOAs and Engenes are Army.
We've seen fanwars between NCTzens and EXOLs. Sones and Reveluvs. Blackjacks and Blinks. We never see fanwars between MOAs and Armys because they're literally part of the same giant fanbase.
Yes we have, there have been plenty of fights between armys vs moas vs engenes.
You can be an part of the Fandom and love a group very much with out tearing down other groups or trashing other idols. You do not have to be obsessive and abusive toward others because of it.
Not to kill your vibe here but wanted to point out EXO actually is the second most successful Korean BG in history behind BTS in sales and in the west and if you look at the stats they are only like 2 mil in sales per album behind BTS. Not to mention most of EXO has already done their military service. No EXO-Ls have tried to protest it.
Most people are trashing the companies not the groups, re-read the thread. Second most successful group in the west is bp, and the album sales numbers please go do your research.
All you ever mean is disrespect and using a statement against asian hate is low even for you.
Paying for rented space between parent and subsidiaries is pretty standard since the building is likely leased under one company’s name, it’s just a way to allocate overhead cost. Otherwise how would your book be straight? That’s just inviting an audit. Also that im_jammed account is a big bh anti they are always shady on their translations towards bh news.
The only label I could see them being interested in is in cube and that's because of Soyeon, otherwise all of the other labels might be more than they can take. They all have many groups and most are not worth it. With the recent move and distribution of space I don't think they've though of acquiring more labels. Even then cube just got a change of ceo so i don't see a change anytime soon.
Dahyun look caméra tho lol
I'm not sure what it is you are saying
umm,she is just doing normal expression...
No she isn't, I've seen several fancams of other idols and while some are better at singing or dancing they don't have very good expressions or timing for them. She knows when and how to look at the camera, she has a lot of experience so its not surprising. Everyone has different taste, if you don't see it then it's probably not to yours.
I didn't get it before either until I saw a couple of her fancams. Her facial expressions are very good, especially her eyes.
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Spanish is my first language and while it wasn't perfect you could understand what she was saying at times. It's not her first or second language so I don't really think you should be judging her on that. That said, i didn't really like the song. I love Chungha but she's been missing a lot lately for me.
She already did more than amazing sales wise. Shes good