Posts by helixvc
3rd>>>4th generation
I don't see any difference or something new in the 4th generation music.
Critical Aclaim = Promotion = Gaining New Fans = More Success.…tatus/1379270503844642818
They haven’t had a comeback in 2021.…tatus/1378934772194508804…tatus/1379524284482154497…tatus/1379995770569428992
They did that with a repackaged album, which often sells almost half the value of the full album or even less. They surpassed the full album in sales with a repackage - this has only been done four times in K-POP history, and it’s groups like SHINee or EXO who have done it as far as I’m aware.
Queendom and Kingdom have the same rating as of Episode 2. You’re misinformed.
I’m not in any shape or form denying BTS’ incredible impact - however, it cannot be ignored that Stray Kids do have an increasingly large amount of international presences compared to other K-POP groups.
And how the hell you can compare Queendom and Kingdom?
Do you not know the difference the standards of girl groups and boy groups in the Korean GP?
Btw I really want to know which group do you mean that SKZ have a bigger impact in the international presence?
Or do you wanna compare them with groups like txt, enyhpen or tbz who don't even promote in the west?
Critical Aclaim = Promotion = Gaining New Fans = More Success.…tatus/1379270503844642818
They haven’t had a comeback in 2021.…tatus/1378934772194508804…tatus/1379524284482154497…tatus/1379995770569428992
They did that with a repackaged album, which often sells almost half the value of the full album or even less. They surpassed the full album in sales with a repackage - this has only been done four times in K-POP history, and it’s groups like SHINee or EXO who have done it as far as I’m aware.
Queendom and Kingdom have the same rating as of Episode 2. You’re misinformed.
I’m not in any shape or form denying BTS’ incredible impact - however, it cannot be ignored that Stray Kids do have an increasingly large amount of international presences compared to other K-POP groups.
All this text with actual 0 content to the topic.
First only a few groups are doing a repackage album its actually basically only SM groups so I won't to mark this so high as a achievement.
2nd to the international presence.
It's clear. SKZ can't even chart in BB200 or even have a little indicator to say they have a HUGE international presence.
Kpop is that not huge. Take Bts out and kpop is not much bigger than 5 years ago.
Back then groups like Bigbang, exo and so also achvied these kind of success.
yeah, they keep underestimating SKZ growth by saying they only have ad views which is so funny
if they check youtube charts which doesn't count ad views & spotify their streams are insane miles ahead any 4th gen groups even greater than some 3rd gen groups which means people even non fans maybe even non kpoppers actually is interested in their music and it has strong replay values, their album sales growth is also impressive, they have the biggest growth in 4th gen and it's all gained by their hardwork. Now after KINGDOM, they will even become bigger esp in Korea, I am just so excited to see what is in the future for them. Well those people will might keep underestimating them and keep clownning themselves but i dont' care it won't change the fact that SKZ is leaders of 4th gen
SKZ is 3 years old and the leader is at the same as age as BTS maknae. All that and they have seniors like twice to boost and yet you write all that stuff as if they debuted few months ago.
yeah, they keep underestimating SKZ growth by saying they only have ad views which is so funny
if they check youtube charts which doesn't count ad views & spotify their streams are insane miles ahead any 4th gen groups even greater than some 3rd gen groups which means people even non fans maybe even non kpoppers actually is interested in their music and it has strong replay values, their album sales growth is also impressive, they have the biggest growth in 4th gen and it's all gained by their hardwork. Now after KINGDOM, they will even become bigger esp in Korea, I am just so excited to see what is in the future for them. Well those people will might keep underestimating them and keep clownning themselves but i dont' care it won't change the fact that SKZ is leaders of 4th gen
Keep dreaming. With these rating in Kingdom none of the groups will blow up.
You are wayyyyy to biased to see it objective.
did it? You keep making excuses but they didn't even stay in the top 100 for that many hours
You telling me that the "most popular" 4th gen group can't chart in the top 100 for more then a week but can sell 100k albums? You telling me there are 99+ popular artists coming back every time epipen does? I can admit treasure's physicals are lacking at the moment but you can't seem to do the same for your own group. At the end of the day, the only one looking pressed is you. You wanted everyone to come in here and proclaim enhyphen as the number one and when they didn't you started slinging mud.
How old are you?
You are clearly pressed about something little lmao.
How can a treasure fan even dare to talk about charts when treasure is worst group by faaaaar from YG in charting.
Blackpink, Ikon and 2NE1 and so on had massive charting success in their debuts while treasure is "focusing" on album sales.
And you have the guts to question the importance of album sales? Lmaooo
no. i have my bets on jyp. stray kids and itzy are by far some of the best performing 4th gen groups (if not the most) and then you have niziu dominating in japan. it’s definitely jyps era.
with bighit, i’m not sure whether they can handle 6 groups at the same time... not all of them are going to be popular. some will definitely flop. it’s just too much in the span of two year. before 2019 they only had one group under them, by 2020 there’s five more groups, and by 2022 there’s another six being added... not to mention they have a few soloists under them too. bad move if i say so...
I agree with itzy even though they still need a comeback to surpass their debut Dalla Dalla.
And what does Stray kids have over txt or Enhypen? Except for yt views(adds) and Spotify the other 2 groups are streets ahead.
Enyhpen is only 4 months old and will already outsell stray kids best selling album.
+Groups like seventeen, Nuest and gfriend hype have groups who already overall bigger than jype.
All that and I excluding BTS which is alone bigger than all jype groups in history together. I don't see your vision with JYP tbh.
In a democratic country everyone should be equal before law, just because bts are very popular and successful that doesn't means they should get special privileges.
There have been many legendary kpop boy groups before like Bigbang, TVXQ, G.O.D, H.O.T ... but none of them tried to run away from their military service like bts and bighit are doing
I won't discuss about the topic that you try to compare groups like Bigbang or Hot with BTS. Since the answer is clear as water that BTS plays in a whole different Leauge.
What I think that is funny about your post is that you implied that try to run away from the military with a GD profil😂😂😂😂😂
I laughed my ass off. The GD who was more in the hospital than in military in his time
Without Us pop kpop wouldn't survive a year.
Let all the white, black and Latinos pop music, style and creative ideas be gone kpop would be just a Korean Jpop copy.
Except for Korean trot all Korean music categories are copys from the west or Japan.
Its actually mad how many similarities and copys you will find in kpop groups.
Troll or not Idc what do you see in my account.
What I wrote are true.
Everything you said so far has been disproved but you’re still replying like it matters
You are a veryyyy weird user. Go outside and touch some grass.
First you write I should stop answering you but you are still in mentions and second I just saw your other thread.
Never thought that this thread will bother you that much loooool
I don't care if they are dead or not.
What I wrote are 100% facts what happened in the past I don't know why you and these mostly SM stans are crying.
Bro you got already dragged and exposed stop embarrassing yourself further. Lol. Everyone attend the first AAA including BTS or did you not know that. Lol. And it’s also funny you bring it cuz I just went and checked BTS didn’t attend 2017 when they didn’t win but did attend 2018 when they won.
Can you stop replying now it’s really embarrassing at this point.
They won also in 2020 and didn't see them attend. Hmm