The gg/bg sub-sub-forums are intended to ensure a dedicated space, excuse my lack of a better expression.
We have guilds meant to be dedicated spaces for just that kind of thing
The gg/bg sub-sub-forums are intended to ensure a dedicated space, excuse my lack of a better expression.
We have guilds meant to be dedicated spaces for just that kind of thing
I propose splitting The KPOP subforum into BG/GG sub-sub forums, while keeping the ability to thread within the general Kpop subforum.
What do you think?
The reasoning behind this is that I see that the Kpop subforum is overwhelmingly dominated by threads that write about GG or female solo content, despite some popular coverage of BG topics. This may signal to a BG fan (new to akp) that there isn't a BG fan community here, and poses a potentially large annoyance and barrier in attempting to interact with BG content, for veteran akp members who are BG fans.
I don't think that will be necessary. It's just a sign of the times as GG are more generally popular right now. The balance swings in either direction at various times and AKP, as a forum whose users keep up with the current popular trends, naturally does too.
Like, don't worry, when BTS comes back, you'll know all about it. Or maybe you're trying to head off the forum inundation before that happens?
I unfortunately cannot repro on my simulator and since I don't have an actual ipad, my hands are tied a bit. I can click on the icon, then click on my picture. Just to clarify, the menu does not open when you click that, right?
oh Magic Shop
that song makes me cry and I have a bit of a story to it that makes me more fond of it though. Around 2 years ago, I chipped/broke my foot and was absent from class for like almost a week. I'd messaged my English teacher if there was any way I could get extensions or makeup work since I was going to attend class next day. she said not to worry and so I arrive back in school with a cast. The time arrives which I go to her class & right as im entering, I hear in my teacher's speaker "so show me, I'll show show me, I'll show you" and it takes me a minute to process then I realize my teacher was playing THAT FOR ME!!! She then approaches me and is like "since you've mentioned you like BTS I put this to cheer you up- welcome back!!"
that is a core memory I'll always have connected to Magic Shop
OMG, that is one of the sweetest things I've heard
Black Swan best Kpop song tho
No disrespect, since it's actually also pretty high on my list, but
Display Morelol I really did a thread of me yapping intensely over my favorite song
its just like I really fell in love with this song & relate to it- ever since the first listen, I was charmed by it and claim it as my favorite BTS song and dare I say (IN MY OPINION), the best Kpop song
I also loved it - this is the kind of content we should be seeing from a kpop music lover. Have to disagree though.
The best kpop song is MAGIC SHOP
The deeply personal meaning, the wonderful in built call and response, the comforting takeaway message.
crystalblues you're too trigger happy, let us voice our opinions freely
Besides the fact that respect the staff is one of the rules, you know that this is not about not letting someone voice their opinions.
In fact, many of the points racked up were because thebadguy didn't like others having their own opinions either, yet you had no problem when he did it and then went on to insult them for having an opinion different than his.
Our mods allow a lot in the name of freedom of expression. When that line is crossed, it really speaks to how serious the abuses of that freedom they try to maintain have become.
Do NOT speak to crystalblues like that again
Mm i see what you're saying but I really really ended up liking Hwang In Yeop's character. I was able to see past him being an ass. but yeah.. much better actor then eunwoo was.
i must be easy to please because despite all the negativity around it, i actually loved it. but then again i'm a lee minho simp. Absolutely love him as an actor. But Choi Jin Hyuk was an amazing supporting actor. I stan
That's ok, everyone likes different things! Makes the world go 'round. I have particularly weird taste - didn't like either Goblin or Crash Landing on You and everyone seems to love those, lol.
Display MoreW.H.Y (kinda)
But all those dramas are good i just hate that trope
that's also in
The Heirs.
I have to say I never got 2ML syndrome with True Beauty - a bunch of people did though.
Both MLs start out being assholes to her, but only one is actually a jerk to everyone including her. Even after he "realizes" his feelings, he still makes backhanded remarks to "cover it up". I wouldn't want to go out with someone with such an obvious chip on their shoulder and I hate a lack of honesty*. But lots of girls like the "bad boy". I'm not attracted to that type, so maybe it's just me.
* Which drives me crazy about so many kdramas. This is me half the time:
I actually finished Heirs and was super sorry I did. If I had a list for "Burn master copy", it'd be on it.
if I see another “we met as children so therefore we are the one true pairing” ugh….
And we just realized it in some roundabout way with unbelievable twists and turns that makes all of the other shit we were fighting about two seconds ago meaningless!!!!! Cause it was meant to be, the end and now we live happily ever after.
The One i really really hate is the type of dramas that sit here and make you get hooked on the 2nd leads. like the main leads break up, they go for the 2nd lead...the 2nd lead is perfect, but then they run back to the first lead leaving the 2nd there in the dust. so over that trope.
it's been done wayyy too much. Why not just make a drama where they stick with the 2nd lead, sure it ends up being a happy ending or somewhat better, but i'm so over the let's hurt them because my ex came crawling back. ugh please stop.
Please name and shame so they can go on my "don't waste 16 hours unless you want a headache" list. Of course, I'd want to know what reason they have for 1) running back to their ex and 2) shafting the other guy.
HOWEVER, you have to admit when there is more than ONE white truck of doom - and they must be white and unable to stop, because just like yellow cabs, they seem to have some super special secret delay devices on their brakes - the entertainment factor usually rises - likely around the parody of the trope itself that you just HAVE to laugh.
Almost as fun as run on sentences when ranting.
There are a shit ton of tropes I hate in kdrama, including that one.
I also hate the psycho without a cause instant thriller trope - give us a fucking backstory if you're making it a plot point, otherwise it's painfully obvious that you just did it because you have no imagination and needed a quick fix. Do serial killers exist? Of course, but I don't need to watch yet another one dimensional killer character whose only real point in the story is to bring our OTP together because they need to be scared shitless to realize how much they mean to each other!
I think you missed the point. Let me use names to make it clear.
Trump was against TikTok in 2020 when he was president and went so far as to draft that executive order ThePhantomThief linked that is titled, "Executive Order on Addressing the Threat Posed by TikTok"
Trump, in a complete reversal, is now being hailed as the TikTok savior, by lifting the ban.
Considering his past view on the matter and the 180 he's done, you'd be a simpleton not to at least wonder:
Ask not what Donald Trump can do for you. Ask yourself what Donald Trump can do for himself?
The world may be alright.
Then again, judging by this post and what keeps you up at night, your head may explode so your world may not be.
DaisyTheGenuine There was a typo in here... sorry, I was on my phone and it autocorrected however I spelled "entry" to entire
I liked early movies
maybe your imagination is just better than what they've delivered in movies?
I didn't really like an of the Harry Potter films. The books are almost always superior to the film adaptation