Posts by Ves
Fatal Error: Connection to MySQL server '' Failed message appeared when visiting the
Do you think that his acting is good in this scene? thread.
It doesn't happen frequently, just occasionally.
This is the rest of the message from the error page ~
"An error has occurred
Internal error code: be525855459d71469de98a6fe42713fa28e72468
What happened?
An error has occured while trying to handle your request and execution has been terminated. Please forward the above error code to the site administrator.
The error code can be used by an administrator to lookup the full error message in the Administration Control Panel via “Logs » Errors”.
In addition the error has been written to the log file located at */log/2024-12-30.txt and can be accessed with an FTP program or similar.
Notice: The error code was randomly generated and has no use beyond looking up the full message."Myriad of reasons could have lead to it - us deleting spam, server connection interrupted etc, but it's a database access error in the end. Only if it persists should it be something to worry about, but thanks for reporting
It also serves as notification that they have been banned. Otherwise they might wonder "server glitch"? Users who have been temp banned also use it as a way to check if their ban has been lifted yet
the bird strike caused the engine fire which caused the electrics and hydraulic systems to malfunction. The question is...did the backup manual landing gear release malfunction as well or did the pilot panic, forget, and go straight to a belly landing attempt (only 2 minutes elapsed from when the pilot called in the mayday for bird strike and the fatal landing attempt).
The news report I read didn't have this level of detail, but it was still early. If true, thanks for the update.
The landing gear wasn't working on first approach and they went around to try a belly landing. The bird strike, if it played any role, seems secondary at this point.
It's ok, keep it up. People have been predicting the downfall of BTS for years and they just end up rising higher, lol
I think some ARMY may return but some may not - but their choices. Just hope we have great discussions and fun discussing what’s to come in peace
If we're talking about AKP and specific ARMY, I agree that I don't think all the old faces will be back, but when BTS becomes active, I have no doubt we'll see an increase in ARMY here.
... As well as an increase in posts about BTS from ARMY and antis alike. Their hiatus hasn't been as "quiet" as some of the antis want anyway and we've seen what even the small crumbs generate.
I don't know what she did but im sure she doesn't deserve a perma ban. She is literally among akp's best users. Akp would never be same without her. This is so heartbreaking. My day has been ruined after finding out this news.
Well, they do say that birds of a feather flock together. They were definitely right in this case.
This is badly worded - it's not about which person is better or even winning a fake battle, it's really about whose style you like more.
I love J-Hope, but I'll be honest and say I like Taemin's style more. I also like Jimin's style better than J-Hope's (and actually more than Taemin too), but that is because he has a similar style to Taemin, and that is a style I gravitate towards. Those two have a very sensual style that "flows" with the music. It's very eye catching IMO.
On the other hand, J-Hope is a lot more about accuracy/precision in the moves along with pure energy. I really feel his 2019 MAMA dance showcases this well.
External Content embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.By no means does this mean I think J-Hope or any other Kpop idol who dances is a bad dancer or "lesser" - This is just about my subjective taste in dance style and they all dance leaps and bounds better than me.
This is a great deal if I do say so myself
Well, less competetition for the Bts tour in 2026.
I dunno about that - we have "happy" baby army still being born
Will you be running for tickets like your profile gif?
it'll be a stampede. Purple blood may be spilled
OMG! But damn, is this only in Korea?
BPD doesn't know shit if he really think this is past tense "people's understanding of Asian culture was very narrow or narrow-minded, and people who liked Asian culture were seen as people with very peculiar tastes,"
Allkill can make multiple polls if you didn't remember
YAS JHope!!! Bring on 2025!