Alright. But I see many people speculate on surgeries that seem very heavy to me, like jaw shaving. To be honest, I don't know much about these surgeries. But it seems to me these things would leave scars, at least for a time? I mean, "jaw shaving" sounds like an insane thing to me.
The worst is when they speculate about such things for idols who already debuted and already are under the spotlight through promotions, variety shows, insta posts, v-lives, etc. How could they conceal such surgeries? Maybe I'm just not knowledgeable enough, but that doesn't rule out the possibility that many people see PS absolutely everywhere, wrongfully so.
Scars can be edited out (basically all fan-taken photos are heavily edited), make-up can hide a lot, and, depending on the operation, some will leave scars on the inside not the outside. Closed nose surgery, for example, will leave scar tissue on the inside of the nose, almost invisible compared to the classic zigzag scar on the nose tip or the more prominent alar base incisions.
Jaw shaving is usually done on the inside of the mouth, so unless you're their dentist you won't see the scars.
As for recovery time, it depends on the person and how many procedures were done at the same time, but the stitches are taken out in about a week, and idols would be good to go (if you ignore the doctor's orders of no strenuous exercise). Swelling/bruises/redness will be handled by cooling the area, editing, makeup, and blaming lack of sleep/baby fat/salty foods