public or private people
i don't see who cares about what they do in their private life if it's not illegal
who cares who they fuck ? who they cheat with ? and who they date '-'
the fact that some of you even care about this things make you really weird '-'
she have the right to do everything
yeah it's not the best thing, but no it's not something who deserve to be leak and presented as something evil and deserve to be bash about this
also the friend presenting their relationship as a good relationship also prove to be lying because it's clear through the text that their relation wasn't going on well, so presenting this by saying " omg look at what mina did while my friend was living a perfect romance is wrong "
and now explain me the goal of these girls of posting this ?
will she be back with her bf because she upload it on sns ? No
she didn't have to publicize this and it's make her a far worst person imo
because she' using this to destroy the life of people and take revenge on them for what "cheating " seriously she didn't have a more immature reason to drag people and doing this just to get tons of people to send them hate message '-'
and yeah mental health isn't a shield
but when you're a decent human knowing that someone is going through something as hard than her
you don't take the first opportunity you have to drag them and hope that they get hate message
and more over when you're an adult you handle your affair, and relationship problems in private like someone very mature '-'
so yeah i'm sorry but i honestly have more pity for Mina and the boys in this story than the girls who just seem petty and somebody with no morality or maturity