I love it. Instant classic. I might already have my SOTY. I love that Taeyang made a song like this and not boring Dad music. This could almost be from Ringa Linga era, but it feels fresh too, not dated. (Taeyang's little twirl though, he's never going to stop doing that lol.)
Honestly I don't think I've heard anything complimentary about Jimin's voice in a long time, I was under the impression that his voice was basically gone, so it was a pleasant surprise that he sounds so good in this. He definitely pulls his weight. Their voices are gorgeous together. This collab was a really good idea, and I like that it was a real collab and not "hi person i can get clout from, just sing over the last chorus, nice to meet you bye" thing. I just wish it was a bit longer. Teddy and his abrupt one chorus endings...