Hello! So, a couple days ago (I think), I made a thread about puppy-like idols, and in there, I promised to make one for cat-like idols soon. Sorry it's a bit late, but better late than never. Here is the puppy idol thread in case you missed it and want to check it out:
The first one that comes to mind, for me, is Seungmin. A lot of Stays say that he looks kind of like one (he does) and even his SKZOO character is a puppy.

Does anyone else see it, or are we all just a bunch of clowns as usual? Also, I'm curious about which other idols often get compared to puppies. I'm sure there have to be…
Anyways, for this edition, which idols do fans often associate with cats? Maybe it's because they look like one, maybe it's because they seem cold at first, but are really quite nice once you get to know them (like actual cats), maybe they're a cat parent or it could be for any other reason. Here are some of the first ones that come to mind for me:
What about you? Which ones do you first think of? Why? I'm curious to see the answers, as I know for a fact these are not the only two cat-like idols. Have a great day/night!