Why is Amber Heard legal team so incompetent?

  • All the fucking memes they are giving us

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  • this has 14M views holy fuck

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  • Because they don't really have much ground to stand on so they're just doing what they can.

    I don't agree actually. Johnny's legal team is much smarter. There's plenty of stuff that Amber's team could show to soften the blow but aren't doing right.

    The only reason Amber can't be fired is because she signed a contract they can't back out of but future projects will be very hard to deal with. Johnny didn't sign such an iron-clad deal so he was let go. Same with Ezra Miller.

  • Because anyone would look dumb trying to defend her with the evidence Johnny Depp has.

    Your honour my client was beaten by this monster several times.

    Johnny Depp are pulls out a an audio recording of her beating him and bragging about it

    ...... Well shiiiet.

  • I'm sorry? What contracts are you talking about?

    I'm talking about the little that I've seen from the court case. Her lawyers really don't seem to have much and all that has come out has been disproven... (I haven't been paying too much attention though so it's likely I've missed a lot).

    I think they are talking about movie contracts

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  • Oh okay. I don't know how that related to what I said but fair enough.

    I think its bc he is suing for damages of what he lost as a result of defamation

    He lost two big movie franchises

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  • I'm sorry? What contracts are you talking about?

    I'm talking about the little that I've seen from the court case. Her lawyers really don't seem to have much and all that has come out has been disproven... (I haven't been paying too much attention though so it's likely I've missed a lot).

    Yep! So people rightfully point out that Johnny was kicked out of his projects, but Amber (and Ezra) have not been and that's the main reason there's a huge tide in support to Johnny. In reality it has to do with the type of contract Johnny signed.

    There is some evidence their lawyers can use however I feel it is too late to use now against Johnny, that's what I was talking about. Johnny himself lied about his alcohol, drug usage and physical violence history on texts (and Amber did the exact same) however the coverage has been extremely skewed. There was also Amber's makeup fiasco.

    Basically, Amber called herself an abuse victim, without naming names, in an Op Ed. Johnny sued, alleging that this was libel (a published statement that was untrue and defamed him). Truth is an absolute defense to libel.

    If Amber can prove Johnny abused her, even just once, the court should find there was no libel and Johnny gets no money. Any evidence of supposed "mutual abuse" is still evidence that Amber was abused.

    He already lost a similar suit in the UK against a paper that described him as a "wife-beater." That court found that Johnny abused Amber some 12 times. That decision isn't binding on the court in the current case, however.

    This is NOT a trial for Domestic Abuse, it's one for Libel. Depp also has texts with him threatening to rape Amber, burying her dead body with a known sexual abuser. Amber certainly abused Depp but Depp should have imo be fired from his projects too.

    Depp needs serious help from alcohol and cocaine recovery, for years.

    According to the UK article where he lost heavily:

    1. He lied about how he lost the tip of his finger. He was out of his mind high when he self inflicted that wound. He had a number of drunken/high episodes where he would go around his home and damage shit.
    2. Amber and Johnny were on recording discussing how severely he injured Amber in one of their fights. Chunk of hair missing. Busted blood vessels under her eye. Split lip. Bruises on her hip.
    3. NUMEROUS times Johnny used misogynistic abusive language towards Amber directly, as well as when talking about her with others. He did the same with Vanessa, his ex-wife.

    Amber has also shown evidence she has physically abused him but again, this is a libel lawsuit.

  • I actually learned a ton from reading this. I'm glad people who know more than I do about this are posting about it.

  • i only watched dr curry's testimony and the clip you posted yesterday objecting to your own question ^^ they are really a mess. looking forward to watch the rest, especially the pooping part ^^

  • i started watching another video. i'm sure i'm about to find out soon but why the hell they would allow tabloid articles in the court?! this is hilarious

    I guess they thought its evidence?

    look at the makeup one

    the one they say she used was released after their divorce

    like they screwed her over

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  • well who even is gonna defend this cazy assh*le???? srsly?

    mutual abuse? NONE there was zero abuse from him muh he used drugs and alcohol so?? he didnt touched this ursula (sorry ursula)

    texts and sh*t is nothing compared with this low life did to him yall gotta be KIDDING or not following the case

    ohh muh mysosynyygygy stop making everything about this or that when its about a deeply disturbing person regardless of the gender (just read the f context ffs are we really gonna compare monty python references jokes dark jokes by an abused person facing ACTUAL PHISYCAL ABUSE? no thanks that a big ass NO stop treating this low life turd like a kid just because she is a "woman" I am an adult female and if someone ever baby me like that I would VOMIT part of being an adult female is admitin when you are wrong boo and not lying lik a weak piece of sh*t) no one thought about it when his kids were getting death threats and harrassment because of this ugly gargula with fake ""bruises"" even the make up this turd claimed that used to cover up made a claim stating it was impossible

    the guy lost so many things and yet some have the audacity to try to defend a literal pice of s*t

    there was no mutual abuse

    he was the victim in every way if he used drugs and all it is him who goes away damaged from this

    stop babying a psycho just because it is not a man

    if he lost this it just shows that justice is CONCERNING on that country

    this piece of human garbage should just go to jail I heard that is okay to beat up each other in jail so she will be fine


    I am not even sorry

    I don't like people sharing opinions without knowing or hearing everything

    don't even @ me

    if you side or try to make less of it I don't even see you now lol

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