These b*tches dragging Aenergy instead in the replies
Savage is a no skip album, whoever drag any of the songs deserve aeskarma
These b*tches dragging Aenergy instead in the replies
Savage is a no skip album, whoever drag any of the songs deserve aeskarma
Savage is a no skip album, whoever drag any of the songs deserve aeskarma
PREACH! Tbh I think is the first album I love all the tracks. It helps the songs are different, Yeppi Yeppi is more bright, Aenergy is the war cry, Lucid Dream the calm one. I'll make you cry and Iconic are the ones who overlap the most (Savage too, but I'm counting bsides), so the ones who prefer I'll make you cry maybe compare with Iconic since they kinda play in the same field and chose it as the worst track.
Not me writing essays to analyse why Iconic is dragged
In a world with Yeppi Yeppi…
Fight them
In a world with Yeppi Yeppi…
PREACH! Tbh I think is the first album I love all the tracks. It helps the songs are different, Yeppi Yeppi is more bright, Aenergy is the war cry, Lucid Dream the calm one. I'll make you cry and Iconic are the ones who overlap the most (Savage too, but I'm counting bsides), so the ones who prefer I'll make you cry maybe compare with Iconic since they kinda play in the same field and chose it as the worst track.
Not me writing essays to analyse why Iconic is dragged
Interesting, maybe because of this similarity between i'll make you cry and iconic, bith become my top two songs. Honestly i might be able to pick which one is my favorite, but i can't pick the worst one because everytime i try to pick one i get reminded that i like that too
I think only Lucid Dream is overrated, Lucid Dream is too monotonous, I just skip it when i listen the album sometimes. Some rap parts are in Iconic not enjoyable to listen to because it can sound a little loud sometimes, but the chorus and vocal verses of the song are very catchy.
the whole album is chef's kiss
I think only Lucid Dream is overrated, Lucid Dream is too monotonous, I just skip it when i listen the album sometimes.
Some rap parts are in Iconic not enjoyable to listen to because it can sound a little loud sometimes, but the chorus and vocal verses of the song are very catchy.
their opinion is irrelevant. mys consider yeppi yeppi to be the best song in savage album when in fact it's totally typical sm group sound, boring as hell or lucid dream that doesn't sound like aespa at all. like, can you even call yourself a fan?
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