Interest in a AKP flavored KPOP Newsletter?

  • Would you like to see an AKP flavored KPOP Newsletter? 24

    1. Yes (13) 54%
    2. Yes and I'd like to help out/be on the team (6) 25%
    3. Not really (5) 21%

    Out of several suggestions on things to help activity on AKP, I wanted to call one out that would require community participation - a newsletter! I'm hoping to gather more opinions on how much we want to see this and how willing users are to help with this, cause I already know that it's going to be very difficult for just one person.

    At this moment I do think we might need an actual team to oversee this to ensure we have something to put out, but I'm open to suggestion.

    Weekly? Monthly?

    What badges are dropping that week/month?

    Comebacks that week/month?

    Only confirmed news or do we include gossip too?

    What would we call it????

    I'm very open to hearing all opinions or other things we should think about including.




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    Moved the thread from forum The Lounge to forum K-POP.
  • Honestly no. We get real time updates about kpop. I can’t really see any reason for a news letter.

    For me news letters are for a topic that is complicated enough that I can’t consume it in real-time but would need to do it more leisurely or put a pin on it. For example maybe a series of tech articles or food recipes or even world news. Or sometimes some art work or creative content which is hard to follow or know about in real time cuz it’s niche.

    But kpop? I can’t really see myself not knowing the stuff you’re going to put in that news letter that I haven’t already seen in Twitter or tiktok or as a forum discussion.

    But that’s just my experience. But might be useful or others who consume kpop differently. Maybe there are people who don’t know how certain thing in kpop work or history of kpop or something like that. I do see it being beneficial for people interested in such type of content.

    Let’s see how the poll goes.

  • I'd normally love to help out, except I feel like I'm too busy in my personal life with dozens of other things to actually contribute a ton. I might help out on occasion if I have free time then, but no guarantees.

    I think weekly might be too often, as it might be hard to do a full newsletter every single week and then people might get tired of it too quickly if it happens that often. I think either once or twice a month would be perfect.

    Both badges and comebacks are great things to talk about. Another thing to do could be to choose a random user and interview them about stuff and publish that? Stuff like why they joined, what they like about groups they like, how they chose their bias, other interests they have outside of K-Pop, just stuff like that. It might help the newsletter gather for interest (because if someone mentioned they were interviewed, they may encourage their friends to read it and if they like the interview part, they might check out the rest of the newspaper) and be something fun. That's just what I thought, no idea if that's how it'll work or not though.

    We could also include some small puzzles like spot the difference or crosswords, but with a K-Pop twist. I think confirmed news is also great to add. As for gossip, I say include it, especially if it's juicy, but only use gossip that has at least some logic behind it and is very clearly label as gossip, so people are clear on what it is and don't think it's 100% true.

    Also, we could design a new cover for it each time we release it and someone could help with the design aspect. I think that would be really cool if we could do that. As for names, I don't have any right now, but I'll let you know if I think of some. Have a great day/night!

  • Most breaking news maybe :yesr: Nothing like ''*Insert group* #200 on *chart*''

    Gossip should definitely be included :pepegrin:

    Something like that would be nice, it could point out who the possible winners of the thread of month could be :dancer:

  • :eyes: WHOA. You are a fount of ideas :borahae:

  • Thanks for your well thought out feedback! It's very true that in this day and age of social media, news is almost to the minute and all of us if we're on AKP are obviously on the web and have access to that. Hopefully we won't be putting out things that are "stale" but there is also so much that it's easy to miss, so I can see both sides of the argument.

  • Wouldn't this just be repeating info that's already available, just in a slower format and possibly no longer relevant (because things change so quickly) and isn't this what the front page of akp is, news?

    From what I have seen, most people on AKP tend to stick to their little bubbles so already know what they want to know about stuff.

    Well, a newsletter would be a digest of all the various news and there is so much, some might appreciate it. Do all of you read the AKP new front page? I honestly don't know. But it's good to hear your opinion on the matter, so thanks!

  • Honestly I've never read the front page and I spent a year on the forums before even knowing there was a front page :teeheek: I know a few people who do though.

    Can there be a separate tag for those who want to have the newsletter and not just using the sitewide tag? Or email it out to people who sign up like most newsletters? (Obs there would be a thread as well I would believe)

    Yes, I will be making a separate taglist for those who want to be tagged when we put it out. It would be a thread probably pinned here in the KPOP forum

  • TBH, I think kpop news would be tricky to include because it would seem redundant considering akp already has a news site and also due to the time lag that would be involved.

    At most, I would pbly be interested in an aggregation of certain topics like

    Groups debuting

    Groups disbanding

    Comeback news

    Announcements about outside activities (like shows, castings, cfs, etc)


    Plus maybe a spotlight on an artist with info about them and recommendations

    And maybe a review section

    Gossip is fun but hard coz you run into liability issues and also some users might take that as attacks on their faves especially if they think some gossip is covered but other gossip is not depending on the group/idol

  • This is for real, like serious?

    If so, things I can think of:

    - monthly or biweekly would be better than weekly

    - maybe an overview of the most important news and events of the past period?

    - overview of upcoming comebacks

    - how did the groups and artists that came back do? => chart/sales/streams info

    - spotlight on a lesser known midtier, non-Big 4 group (preferrably one that'll come back soon)

    - Trends in K-pop, ones that seem to fade away and those that start to rise

    - a larger view on K-pop and Hallyu, how is it doing worldwide (quotes from western and other non-Korean news and media sources)

    - biggest discussion threads/dramas/events that happened on forum the past month

    This is what I could of off the top of my head.

  • LOL, it's def for real - you were saying you missed easy to find stats and maybe that could be included here!

  • LOL, it's def for real - you were saying you missed easy to find stats and maybe that could be included here!

    Ah, that!

    That would be nice, but I also know it takes a lot of work. I know, because I used to help out at another K-pop site with some others who kept a google spreadsheet updated with all the Gaon info. It took a lot of time!

    It only worked because it was a very active site (before it crashed) and there were a lot of people keeping all that info up-to-date.

    It's probably easier to do now, with all kinda tools that are available.

    But it would still need a lot of manual work.

  • ves, this sounds really fun! its something im totally down to help out :lovec:

    i think releasing one every two-three weeks and having a section for it would be helpful. plus it keeps things organized and would give insight to regular users on what's to anticipate. definitely something that would increase engagement :eyes:

  • i also think it would be cool to add a section for a song recommendation in it. regardless of release date or popularity, users could take turns submitting a song they enjoyed and you guys would add it in.

  • I think it would be nice to have some kind of game or contest each newsletter where people could win akorns. I could be anything from identifying a mixed up pic of an idol, guessing a snippet of video, or even hiding something in the newsletter itself that people have to read to find. That would encourage people to look forward to and read the newsletter

    Also a poll about that month's comebacks

  • I think it would be nice to have some kind of game or contest each newsletter where people could win akorns. I could be anything from identifying a mixed up pic of an idol, guessing a snippet of video, or even hiding something in the newsletter itself that people have to read to find. That would encourage people to look forward to and read the newsletter

    Also a poll about that month's comebacks

    Hide easter eggs in it too?

  • I think it would be nice to have some kind of game or contest each newsletter where people could win akorns. I could be anything from identifying a mixed up pic of an idol, guessing a snippet of video, or even hiding something in the newsletter itself that people have to read to find. That would encourage people to look forward to and read the newsletter

    Also a poll about that month's comebacks

    :woow: If akorns can be won, it'll be the most popular newsletter EVER

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