why boy groups never charts like girl groups does on melon???
Changed the title of the thread from “why boy groups never charts like girl groups on melon???” to “why boy groups never charts like girl groups does on melon???”. -
Tired question. The public just doesn't tune in. No one knows the answer why.
Don't really know about that. What i do know is GGs have more casual listeners than BGs.
lol only one group does well in both physical sales and charting local and globally and there are lots of opinions why - heck, I think even the other companies are still trying to look for the answer. But who knows, another group (might be a girl group) might emerge soon with the same strengths.
Because companies have boiled it down to what makes them the most money, that being hardcore fandoms that are willing to spend alot of chash and overall very loyal. Now it happens to be that the demographic that are willing to spend alot of money and treat it like a hobby are women for the most part, so in turn they target everything they do towards this group almost exclusivley, with the music being more of a vehicle to sell the idols themselves instead of the other way around, this in turn leaves litte left that might appeal to the general public.
Girlgroups are somewhat the opposite, for the most part men do not engage nor are they willing to spend money or time to the extent that women are wiling to do on idols. This in turns leads to companies going for a more public appeal for girlgroups.
There are exceptions to the above of course.
Reverse sexism
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