It’s really weird seeing people complain about other aspects of Kpop, like focusing on dance, visuals, gimmicks, etc
Like uhmm sis…. You do realize that 2nd Gen idols trained & grew into the EXACT industry as 3rd/4th gen groups right? They still focused on more then just “music”
The whole position “visual” existed since then, idols got plastic surgery/diet plans/huge amount of styling to make sure they look good too
Dance has been a huge focus since day 1. Look at any 1st Gen group, they had choreo too
So seeing threads with people making it seem like Kpop had oh so much depth & value of the song quality back then compared to now is weird, cuz the industry was always seen as like this
The only difference is back then you defended it against the huge amount of people who laughed at us for listening to this type of music. And now that it’s become more mainstream worldwide, you gotta play holier thy thou with the music taste
Hop off lol