Cultural appreciation words and phrases

  • So I ventured into Anon today.

    Uh. Half the things are not really anon type things but whatever.

    Anyways someone said a few words were only meant for POC.

    Like: y’all (you all), sis or hella.

    So I use that a lot around here and I’m white.

    Is that offensive to you? I know about the n word, the c word, but what else is there that is not really known?

    Jia was in a hot mess for calling kimchi something else in chinese (sorry don’t know if it was in Mandarin :oops:)


    Edited 3 times, last by Millano ().

  • I'm not sure if it is but during university there was this girl from oklahoma who kept saying

    "y'all calm the farm down"

    I thought it was hilarious and use it sometime!!!

  • Really, I had no idea y'all was a word for colored people. I assumed it was just a Southerner phrase that people from the southern United States used (places like Arizona, New Mexico, Texas and so on). Many white people I know use it, sometimes even around POC, and not once has anyone I know of in person ever expressed any issue over this phrase. Huh. Interesting. Very interesting. I use the word a lot too and I doubt it's an issue at all, but I do appreciate you caring and asking about it. Have a great day/night!

  • I'm not sure if it is but during university there was this girl from oklahoma who kept saying

    "y'all calm the farm down"

    I thought it was hilarious and use it sometime!!!


    I’ve heard it all over the south of the US but that doesn’t make it alright though.

  • idk. i just know people down south use it. i never knew this was a thing? :/

  • Really, I had no idea y'all was a word for colored people. I assumed it was just a Southerner phrase that people from the southern United States used (places like Arizona, New Mexico, Texas and so on). Many white people I know use it, sometimes even around POC, and not once has anyone I know of in person ever expressed any issue over this phrase. Huh. Interesting. Very interesting. I use the word a lot too and I doubt it's an issue at all, but I do appreciate you caring and asking about it. Have a great day/night!

    Is POC a safe word?

    Someone told me today that even saying “black people” were racist?

    So much to learn and just educating myself :huuh:

  • It can be considered aave depending on the context (in my opinion at least idk about other people). It just depends on if the person using it with a blaccent and purposely making jokes out of it when they don't normally talk like that. I am from the Southern Texas and I have been my whole life, it's pretty common here (no I don't live on a farm, I lived in the country for 7 years but I was born in the city and I live in the city now). It's been pretty popular with stan twitter and stan twitter normally uses aave as "stan language" (it's not but that's a whole different discussion). It depends on the person and I can't speak for all POC, but when people around me use it I just correct them if they're using it jokingly. I don't know if that makes sense. It's not really offensive it's more annoying than anything imo.

  • It can be considered aave depending on the context (in my opinion at least idk about other people). It just depends on if the person using it with a blaccent and purposely making jokes out of it when they don't normally talk like that. I am from the Southern Texas and I have been my whole life, it's pretty common here (no I don't live on a farm, I lived in the country for 7 years but I was born in the city and I live in the city now). It's been pretty popular with stan twitter and stan twitter normally uses aave as "stan language" (it's not but that's a whole different discussion). It depends on the person and I can't speak for all POC, but when people around me use it I just correct them if they're using it jokingly. I don't know if that makes sense. It's not really offensive it's more annoying than anything imo.

    I realize not everyone here knows what AAVE is. I recommend watching some videos on YouTube (I don't have any good ones that I can think of right now but I can look for some). All I have is the picture of what words are aave and that are used by non POC on stan twitter for "jokes"


  • It can be considered aave depending on the context (in my opinion at least idk about other people). It just depends on if the person using it with a blaccent and purposely making jokes out of it when they don't normally talk like that. I am from the Southern Texas and I have been my whole life, it's pretty common here (no I don't live on a farm, I lived in the country for 7 years but I was born in the city and I live in the city now). It's been pretty popular with stan twitter and stan twitter normally uses aave as "stan language" (it's not but that's a whole different discussion). It depends on the person and I can't speak for all POC, but when people around me use it I just correct them if they're using it jokingly. I don't know if that makes sense. It's not really offensive it's more annoying than anything imo.

    so would it be weird for me as a old time Chinese Australian boomer to say

    y'all calm the farm down? lol

  • It can be considered aave depending on the context (in my opinion at least idk about other people). It just depends on if the person using it with a blaccent and purposely making jokes out of it when they don't normally talk like that. I am from the Southern Texas and I have been my whole life, it's pretty common here (no I don't live on a farm, I lived in the country for 7 years but I was born in the city and I live in the city now). It's been pretty popular with stan twitter and stan twitter normally uses aave as "stan language" (it's not but that's a whole different discussion). It depends on the person and I can't speak for all POC, but when people around me use it I just correct them if they're using it jokingly. I don't know if that makes sense. It's not really offensive it's more annoying than anything imo.

    Interesting. I picked it up on a vacation in “N’ahlins” but I just think it sounds cute.


  • I realize not everyone here knows what AAVE is. I recommend watching some videos on YouTube (I don't have any good ones that I can think of right now but I can look for some). All I have is the picture of what words are aave and that are used by non POC on stan twitter for "jokes"


    Oh fork “sus” is on the list

    Never play Mafia again Millano


  • Is POC a safe word?

    Someone told me today that even saying “black people” were racist?

    So much to learn and just educating myself :huuh:

    I think so...? I just used it because I didn't want to be redundant and say "colored people" over and over. I have no clue about that, it's my first-time hearing that take on it. I assume so, but I'm not positive. I can't think of any reason why it would be wrong though. I'm glad you're taking the time to do that, just be careful that it doesn't consume you.

    When I was younger, I was sitting in class and one the one colored person had to leave for some reason but would be back soon (probably to get water or use the bathroom or something like that, it was a while ago, so I forget). The other people remaining (aside from me) started joking about random (again, I forget what, this was many years ago). At one point I thought I heard them say something mean towards said classmate and she walked in less than a couple seconds later. I told them what they were saying was mean and, in an accusatory manner, said it was because of her skin color. The classmates then clarified what they had said, and it was not negative at all and had nothing to do with her skin color, I just wasn't paying enough attention at the moment. They all forgave me easily enough, but the classmate who left was so confused.

    My outburst turned out to be for nothing and probably caused more harm and confusion than help and support. There is nothing wrong with educating yourself but be careful with it and don't let something become a big issue unless it actually is one. That's my unasked for advice if you want it. Have a great day/night!

  • no it's not. "colored people" is. it's what racist people called POC during and after slavery. At least that how I've grown to know of it. Not a good impression of the term I must say :peperun:

    Normally I would just say African American but this was for everyone non white.

    What is the correct non offensive thing to say?

  • It can be considered aave depending on the context (in my opinion at least idk about other people). It just depends on if the person using it with a blaccent and purposely making jokes out of it when they don't normally talk like that. I am from the Southern Texas and I have been my whole life, it's pretty common here (no I don't live on a farm, I lived in the country for 7 years but I was born in the city and I live in the city now). It's been pretty popular with stan twitter and stan twitter normally uses aave as "stan language" (it's not but that's a whole different discussion). It depends on the person and I can't speak for all POC, but when people around me use it I just correct them if they're using it jokingly. I don't know if that makes sense. It's not really offensive it's more annoying than anything imo.

    Question: could a person use y'all in a joking way with a Southern accent if they don't always speak like that? Would that be wrong too, or is it only wrong if it is used with a blaccent?

  • I realize not everyone here knows what AAVE is. I recommend watching some videos on YouTube (I don't have any good ones that I can think of right now but I can look for some). All I have is the picture of what words are aave and that are used by non POC on stan twitter for "jokes"


    If I cant use those words I might as well just learn sign language or something

  • Question: could a person use y'all in a joking way with a Southern accent if they don't always speak like that? Would that be wrong too, or is it only wrong if it is used with a blaccent?

    Hmm :melon_think: it is a bit of a grey area imo. I can't give all the answers I am just one person. It depends on person to person. I personally think it's annoying because people always use aave as a joke when it has such a deep history and a lot of people genuinely speak like that and don't/can't unlearn it.

  • ....I don't think this applies to international sites. Maybe to all American(+English and Australian?) ones but you can't really expect people from other parts of the world to keep track of what English slang was invented/popularized but what group in a country they've most likely never even been too.

    that's a good point and I agree. But no one is expecting anyone to do that (at least on on AKP). OP had a question and they were given an answer

  • ....I don't think this applies to international sites. Maybe to all American ones but you can't really expect people from other parts of the world to keep track of what English slang was invented/popularized but what group in a country they've most likely never even been too.

    Everytime I see people on this site says "cb" as in "comeback", in my country "cb" means "female coochie" so .......

  • ....I don't think this applies to international sites. Maybe to all American ones but you can't really expect people from other parts of the world to keep track of what English slang was invented/popularized but what group in a country they've most likely never even been too.

    This is an American site though


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