Whether they were so ridiculous they caught your attention
or so amazing that your interest peaked,
BTS has a knack for turning heads
People say "it could've been anyone" with their success
But looking back on it
There were moments where BTS were so obviously different
that you think it just HAD to have been them
What are these moments ?
For example :
2014 KCON LA
Eric Nam said it himself "BTS stole the show"
Some concert goers shared that they had the loudest cheers and more fans in the US than was expected
and they were still rookies.
One comment said "You really captured the energy of the event. I found BTS in particular could generate excitement and crowd noise that approached Beatlemania levels."
and they were right
Or this one
The stylist said they will NOT look remotely close to other groups and dropped a rainbow on their clothes
Then the boys chose chaos
anyway ARMY this is your moment to shine
Drop more moments down below