the concept, the sound, i was really fresh for a BG to go for something different
from what everyone was doing. it's an addictive and cute song that anybody can like
2021 was such a good year musically for TXT, each one of their title track had the potential to be #2 but i just love Lovesong a little bit more. And i usually love this type of song in American pop, so to see a Kpop group do this type of song was a good thing
there's nothing wrong with this song, it's addictive, sexy, easy to listen to it, and it make me want to listen to it everytime
I never heard about them before, but it was a good surprise to discover them, all their songs are masterpiece and they are still rookies who debuted this year but Loved you was their best title track
I always liked NCT experimental side, and until favorite i never think i needed to see them do this type of more generic song, but Favorite was so Goood !
6. Enhypen - Tamed-Dashed
Enhypen is a group i was never interest, i listened their previous song, but they were forgettable for taken and really bad for drunk dazed, But they really did great with tamed dashed, and i think this type of more light concept looks better with them
I know it's not really their songs, but to be honest their version is so good that it would almost make me forget about the taemin version, and i'm the type of person who usually hate "cover" because they are always awful but this one is flawless
I wasn't a fan of the song the first time i listen to it, neither the 2nd time, but i got the kick kick, kick back part stuck in my mind, i kept singing to it even if i didn't like the song and then i listen to the korean version and i really like the song
there's nothing to say about this song, the vocal, the melondy everything is on point
and the song is so chill it doesn't age
it's a cute song, and there's not enough BG doing this type of cute fun song, so we need to appreciate their work