source: Ariana Grande stirs controversy for allegedly trying to look Asian

She caused a controversy for being a white person who, back then, was accused of looking like a black/mixed person and now an Asian person
Source: instiz
-I think Westerners are very sensitive about that, I personally think it's not offensive. I mean, no one is harmed by her looking like that.
-I don't know how to react to this but... I think she doesn't suit that style at all. She looks like an AI model.
-Is this also considered racism? I just think she doesn't suit that style, that's all.
-What makes it different from Koreans trying out Western's makeup style?
-I think she's trying to do Fox Eye style...? I don't know
-She's free to do her makeup how she wants it to be done...
-I think she's just trying out a makeup style that's currently trending these days...?
-Huk... She's so much different than the Ariana Grande I used to know. I'm very surprised.
-I don't think she's trying to look Asian, she just has monolid eyes. I think people who are saying that she's trying to look Asian are the racist ones.
-It fascinates me how they used to make fun of Asians because of our eyes, and now it's becoming a makeup trend.
-I don't see why it should be a controversy. For me, it just appears that she changes her makeup style.
-I've always thought she's Latina...
-Whoa... She looks like a whole different person...