nothing wrong with non experimental song.... When people say non experimental it does not mean the song is bland... A song is bland when it falls flat and there is nothing memorable about it in particular.... If a song is going to be on a same level throughout then atleast the melody should be memorable and great, or another factor which makes it stand out.
I will give you an example, take suga's solo Seesaw for example... The song is not really experimental, stays in low with the vocals and nothing out if the ordinary structure wise... But that is one of the best kpop song to ever exist and far from bland... Why? Because even though there is nothing out of ordinary going on, the melody is so unique and captivating, and adding adora's beautiful mellow vocals with yoongi's low tone works perfect. They make it stand out using other elements which adds to the song and does not let it fall flat at any pointers
A song can be non experimental and still not be bland and amazing in every sense....
And queendom is far from being non experimental actually...