I'll link some threads i did bc yk, I'm a blink who like to do threads and interact in all threads be it good be it messy, buuuut now some blinks are claiming we don't have Lisa appreciation threads or positive threads and I'll show how it's bc some love to fight Lisa stans and not to show their love towards Lisa
A ChaeLisa combo:
Bow down to the BP competition, yes, BP themselves! Kkkk
An appreciation thread with reacts, but not that much engagement
Girl is on demand, girl is eating the competition, girl is charting on official international charts, girl is doing the unthinkable, girl is being THE GIRL!!!
Lisa deserves all of this and way more. Lisa, who since debut, works harder and always does her best deserves this success, this viral song, this legendary behavior!
Lisa is Lisa and with this name she will conquer the world!
Another one

SG is a massive bop, i loved every part! DJ Snake and Ozuna are a great duo! Ozuna delivered as always and i really like his presence in the song. MTS part was short, buuut i also liked it and it went well with the song, Megan as always doing her thing! Lisa surprised me with so many screentime and dance!! My queen slayed! Her singing was perfect!
About the line distribution: to me was great. I don't have a problem with Ozuna having majority of the…
A funny thread full of positivity, but not people!!
Another one
Look at her underwear kkkkk queen!
And this is me dancing to this bop:
Bow down to Money!
Other thread for interaction
going to the topic!
There were some parts which i wasn't that fond of, buuuuut overall the lyrics are great and I'm gonna highlight my favorite lyrics!
You know just from looking at my back
When it gets dark, the light shines pink
the reference to BP is cute and accepted!
When the bright light wakes me up
I shake up the world (Hey!)
she did, she shook my world
La, la-la-la, la, la-la-la
La, la-la-la, la,…
Guess who's back, yes, another thread
When she started the song in KOREAN i was like this:

Her singing parts were awesome and i loved that we could see how beautiful her voice is and yes, surprise, she can hold more than a note

The chorus is amazing, the beat is everything and she singing her name is…
These are just a few Lisa related threads i did over her solo period and guess what? Yes, they weren't the one receiving more engagement neither funny debates. So some blinks, do participate on positive Lisa threads please and not to defend YGE
Enjoy my activities here, can't say the same about some who does nothing just fight