your opinion on anime community

  • Im pretty active anime fan and im wasting A LOT of time on sites like MAL. Even after all these years, anime community still hates on kpop fandoms, which i dont understand. I consider both of em totally similar, since both fandoms are being non-stop attacked without a reason at all. i thought, that fellow weebs would symphatize with kpop stands, but nah, they continue this "bullying".

    even tho jpop and kpop are almost the same thing, but okay.

    so what about yall ? what are your thoughts on anime community in general ?

  • Do they? I was part of it, but I only checked out chapter and episode discussions. I have nothing against them since I was once one of them. Now I'm just a casual anime watcher and more of a manga reader.

    I can imagine some J-pop > K-pop or J-rock > K-pop. But, honestly, the three of them are so disregarded by the rest of the music world that I see no reason for that.

  • Casual anime-manga fans are fine with kpop, but still...there're also edgy ones who think that anime fans are superior.

    Meanwhile typical hardcore otaku who watches anime every seasons and buys expensive figurines is a big nope.

    Fujoshi and fudanshi community is another breed, they fight a lot about shipping, seme-uke, but they seem fine. And sometimes they love seeing cute idols interaction for BL fanfic or doujin ideas.

  • Most anime fandoms are predominately male - especially since kpop blew up and took a lot of focus of potential female anime fans away. There is a stark difference to early-mid 2010 to today, than I thought shows with a focus on a female viewership would increase and come close to 50/50 if not surpass male focused shows - but than Kpop took off and even in Japan women and girls tend to get swept by it.

    People can only spend so much money or have so much time for entertainment. I came back to Kpop after I essentially stopped in 2012 and now I'm back at 50% anime/manga/light novels 40% games and 10% kpop. There is only so much time I have as a working adult.

  • Like any community with obsession based hobby, they aren't a monolith. The vocals one will spread their voice more than people with moderated opinions. Most probably don't care about or don't mind Kpop.

    It's like some comics fans not liking anime or WRPG fans not liking JRPG.

    Anime and Kpop fans are alike with their fanwars over ridiculous stuff and similar issues involving culture shock. They even partake in ranking manipulation and organized review bombing.

    Usually nerds/geeks tend to eat their own, specially anime fans and weebs. Their internal sub-divisions are at odds lot of times.

  • I haven't been active on any anime forums recently but I think the Venn diagram between the two communities are more overlapping than one or the other can admit. I assume the demographic is pretty much the same as well. I've seen some ribbing here and there but no outright hate as far as my own experience go. I guess it's universal on any communities that there will always be bad apples.

  • from my pov the kpop community is the one hating on the anime kids, u kno how many ppl were coming at me for having an anime pfp here :sleeping::sleeping::sleeping: as if im the only one but anyway.

    im not active in the "anime community" as a whole, ig thats why i dont see the hate, except just the casual chilling on anilist? but they r crazy there but majority of them are fine ppl, and there's a handful of crossover between kpop and anime fans there too so like, just worlds colliding over there.

    i kNOW theres a quite a bit of anime fans that r just toxic as hell, but i dont see em and i dont wanna x. ill just chill w/ my lil group of mutuals that all like the same shows. literally engaging with an overall community is exhausting when u can just engage w/ a community of specifically ur fav shows? less toxicity in my eyes

    im talking to somebody else while typing this so idk what i wrote or if it made sense but i hope it do <3

  • I have heard the same thing coming from both sides, tbh. Some people that like anime bashing kpop fans for liking kpop and some kpop fans saying that anime fans are beneath them because they are the ones that are more pathetic, etc.

    All in all, I don't quite care much. There is always gonna be people like that out there, and there's not much you can do about it other than ignore them sometimes ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


    ~ ʚ ♡ ɞ ~

  • I am a fan of both, Which is why I find it sad that the Anime/K-Pop Feuds are still a thing. I don't even care if people like Anime or K-Pop or even neither of them.

    Everyone has a right to an opinion but it is not okay to judge people for liking either Anime or K-Pop. I feel as though from what I have seen from Twitter it mostly seems to be Anime fans judging K-Pop Fans than the other way around.

    I just wish people would stop fighting and judging people they have never even met before. It makes both communities look bad to outsiders.

  • I like anime and manga but I don't consider myself as part of the anime fandom because I'm a casual stan and I wouldn't get super duper deep in the characters. I do have my favorites though.

    I think that the anime community is pretty nice, there are a lot for them to talk about. I think the shipping is a little weird and there are some odd people but there are in every fandom. :)

    ღ Happy Birthday / 10.18.2005 ღ

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