1. Yes (17) 39%
    2. No (13) 30%
    3. They have boygroups other then bigbang???? (8) 18%
    4. YG boygroups have too much controversial members (6) 14%

    If you compare YGs boygroups to the other boygroups in the big 4 then they are severely underperforming.

    Im curious why none of their boygroups are having the same success as Blackpink is?? Is it because YGE fans are sexist or because their boygroups lack visuals???

    This thread was inspired by me finding out about treasures existence just 5minutes ago.


    let us gather around for the lord’s prayer:

    Nævis we love you. You are the one who protected me when i was in trouble. MY victory, one SYNK DIVE. I know your sacrifices. Let’s meet surely after the resurrection.



  • I mean, what is flop, really?

    Honestly I think their bg are doing just fine. :wellr:

    Flop is not performing for coachella


    let us gather around for the lord’s prayer:

    Nævis we love you. You are the one who protected me when i was in trouble. MY victory, one SYNK DIVE. I know your sacrifices. Let’s meet surely after the resurrection.



  • Which big3 bg is not flopping on the charts? at best exo & shinee cause they are like "legacy" groups. The rest chart for a few days thanks to their fandom and then out

    If even the boyz can chart then yg bgs have no excuse.


    let us gather around for the lord’s prayer:

    Nævis we love you. You are the one who protected me when i was in trouble. MY victory, one SYNK DIVE. I know your sacrifices. Let’s meet surely after the resurrection.



  • Which big3 bg is not flopping on the charts? at best exo & shinee cause they are like "legacy" groups. The rest chart for a few days thanks to their fandom and then out

    dont need to defend ur favs by lying about other groups

    SHINee charted a solid 2 month


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  • YG had only one promo tactic for their bg, to market them as the only self produced groups

    That marketing doesnt stick anymore bc there are alot of other self produced groups out there

    I dont think they are giving them any other type of promo

    Hard to make it in a saturated industry with no promotion

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  • That group was more like an anomaly, also helped by some tv show I believe. YG's bgs already lost all respect bc of their scandals, not sure if they affected treasure or if having too many members is just no appealing

    YG boygroups also went on variety shows but did not get nearly same amount of attention as the boyz does. Its obvious, YG boygroups just have no charm.


    let us gather around for the lord’s prayer:

    Nævis we love you. You are the one who protected me when i was in trouble. MY victory, one SYNK DIVE. I know your sacrifices. Let’s meet surely after the resurrection.



  • Sure, i expected more from Ikon and winner, but this is largely due to YG's mismanagement. Treasure on the other hand is remarkable, they manged to sell 4 albums consecutively at 200 k a piece and no i dont count their full album a "true" full album. They last came back on January?, so we cant measure their current status to the groups who has had multiple comebacks throughout the year. In my mind without a doudt, treasure will be among the corner stones in kpop very soon, their next comeback will shock people.

  • I don’t care about YG groups other than Treasure and they are rookies with a bad management. They don’t even look after the main breadwinners well so rookies will definitely get shunted.

  • What is with calling groups flops now days. They’re still new give them sometime, I’m sure they will make it. People said the same thing about TxT but look where they are now.

    Bruh what? Ikon and winner debuted in 14/15 and already peaked phsycially and digtially years ago - lol if your talking about Treasure then sure but since En- already far surpasses them despite debuting later in the same year and them not gaining on any of the other big 4th bgs (skz, txt, the boyz, & ateez) their future isnt looking that positive

  • both winner and ikon failed to survive year long haituses like bp did and while winner has a decent digital avg they have sharply tanked since 2019 tho still maintaining 100k sales, Ikon cant even do that - and seeing how Treasure cant get index the gp is fully done with YG bgs barring BB I suppose

    this is why i dont get people who say blackpink only sells or charts well because of hiatus lmao


    let us gather around for the lord’s prayer:

    Nævis we love you. You are the one who protected me when i was in trouble. MY victory, one SYNK DIVE. I know your sacrifices. Let’s meet surely after the resurrection.



  • Stream TREASURE's BOY music video, less than 8M views left to 100M. :pepe-excited:

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  • I highly recommend the products of Manyo, superb quality! :pepelove1:

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  • I highly recommend the products of Manyo, superb quality! :pepelove1:

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    when the fans promote the artists more then the actual company



    let us gather around for the lord’s prayer:

    Nævis we love you. You are the one who protected me when i was in trouble. MY victory, one SYNK DIVE. I know your sacrifices. Let’s meet surely after the resurrection.



  • Are you from Indonesia and still a student? Download the Ruangguru app now to help you with your studies. Seeing TREASURE is a great bonus! :shake-it:

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  • Happy anniversary to this mega bop people keep on sleeping on! :peperain:

    Around 14M views left to 100M so stream it K-Poppies! :pepe-cut:

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  • Boost your immune system with I'MMUNE VERONA. Yoo Ah In, and now TREASURE tell you to keep a healthy lifestyle, so sweet. Don't take K-Pop seriously!:pepe-hehe:

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  • Stream TREASURE's BOY music video, less than 8M views left to 100M. :pepe-excited:

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    Oh wow! Isn't that the most-viewed 2020 rookie bg MV?

    On the YouTube channel of the most-subscribed 2020 rookie?

    This MV that's at #4 in Kpop history???


    YG Family


    *Disclaimer I don't read responses to my posts unless I've replied to you before. If that offends you BLOCK ME. It's not my job to police your feelings.

  • especially Treasure

    Who is TREASURE?

    Is it this group? The only 4th gen in the top 5?


    This one that's at #1?


    This one?


    YG Family


    *Disclaimer I don't read responses to my posts unless I've replied to you before. If that offends you BLOCK ME. It's not my job to police your feelings.

  • I do feel that bigger groups always take more time to grow. They are doing fine currently especially they are not completely inactive with their YouTube cariety shit right. They do need to comeback soon though

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