Should I Join The IGBAS Cult? 15
Alfalfa Hay! (Yes) (13) 87%
No more culty stuff! (No) (2) 13%
Go to War With Them... (1) 7%
Join the Once Cult instead!
I am just gonna say IGBAS cult is gonna rule over allkpop.
I am just gonna say IGBAS cult is gonna rule over allkpop.
We shall see!
I'm here for the better. I have seen the light!
IGAS Cult is not the true cult
I think he's talking about how he FAILED to save me before it was too late.
I think he's talking about how he FAILED to save me before it was too late.
So, what your saying is... I don't hate Twice because they made IGBAS; Twice hates me because I like IGBAS.
Except the knife is to stab ...
AN 🍎!!!
Capybaras love apples!
"The Official AKP Juvenile Hall Thread..." but I had a change of heart
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