I think Idols dating or hooking up with fans is kinda meant to end up bad.
It already starts with one having the advantage of being put on a pedestal and having people viewing them in a certain (obviously good) way, without earning it. This makes it harder for a fan, who already has a premeditated opinion of their fave and now overwhelmed that their Oppa is interested in them, to detect red flags when they are dealing with a player.
The bigger of course the disappointment when you find out your fave isn’t that nice little angel you thought they were. And the bigger probably the resentment and feeling deceived and used?… and the bigger the urge to expose ?
And if such a relationship ends in bad terms and these heart broken fans expose them, no matter how much the Idol is to blame for something that went down, they will be viewed as the person in power here, so they lost anyway. They can’t even explain their side of the story cause it would just make things worse, they can only apologize or say nothing, either way will make them look guilty to many.
So these male Idols should be more careful in who they engage with and how they engage with people, cause they are the public person, it’s their image. I can understand it’s easier to date or hookup with someone who already has a crush on you, it’s less work, but you ain’t a regular dude tho. All this playing games ain’t worth a potential ruined career if you messed with the wrong people, it’s not worth doing so for anyone… playing games will bite you in your own butt one day.
They should better stay away from fans for the sake of their fans and also their own good.