Why does everyone hate Sakura from Naruto?

  • I am not finished watching Naruto Shippuden yet so don't drop big spoilers, but why does every complain about Sakura? Listen, I get her obsession with Sasuke is a bit crazy, I don't like Sasuke because he's an ass, but she is strong, like in the battle against the Akatsuki (her and the grandma were fighting sasori:

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    She helped out and was very strong? so why do people say she's annoying..? Does she get worse as naruto shippuden progresses?


  • She has always been useless requiring Naruto and Sasuke to bail out the team during first part. But tbh all Naruto girls are onmthe shitty side compared to the boys. The girls might have 1 good fight and that's it but the boys, even side characters, have a lot more interesting and impactful fights. Shikamru is hardly a fighter and he's had betterfights than most Naruto grills, he even defeated an immortal akatsuki member.

    You'll see in Shippuden she's just as useless. As the story progresses she has less to do and at times does some shitty things towards others, including putting her friends in danger, because she is still crazy for Sasuke who's long gone off the deep end. She becomes a liability and worsens situations for a boy. Side characters like their friends overshadow her and do things that significantly affect story events. It's near the end where she finally adds to a couple fights and plays a somewhat important role in one of the last fights. Honestly she's consistently one of the worst written "main" characters, you've basically seen her peak already which was good while it lasted.

    However Shippuden have some veery bad drops in quality in terms of story and characters. Remember how I said Sasuke is nuts? He becomes an emo bastard and is unbearable at times because of his revenge, not to mention he takes up a good portion of the story and arguably becomes the main character at times which pissed a lot off. And this is the asshat Sakura is willing to indirectly screw over her friends over...

    Ooooh and fillers. Fillers everywhere. The last couple arcs will be nigh on unwatchable because they have fillers in the middle of world altering events. What got me was that were fillers immediately right after an important and emotional fight between 2 friends. It was excruciating for viewers watching new episodes as they aired because the fillers lasted for over a whole year. Many fans including myslef gave up with the anime and read the manga instead......and that still kinda sucked because certain enemies near the end pop out of fucking nowhere and barely have any character to them other than they're evil. Ugh.

  • #1

    People assume that in order for a women to be a good character she needs to be "bad-ass" or be strong like the men (it's part of the reason Orihime from bleach also got a lot of hate). Theres a whole topic a bout it better explained this video.

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    A lot of Naruto fans are dudebros who project onto Naruto, and when she rejected him in favor of obsessing over Sasuke, they took it personally. It's the whole "nice guy" mentality. It's honestly gross how they think because Naruto is the main character and saved Sakura a few times that she obligated to return his feelings. It's also quite ironic too, because the same reasons they bash Sakura for (being obsessive over a guy and being so called "useless") are the exact same reasons they worship Hinata for (but apparently, it's okay since she's directing it at Naruto and not Sasuke). But I mean, she's got big tiddies and is quiet and submissive unlike the flat-chested, hard to deal with, will knock your ass flat out Sakura.

    Nevermind the fact that Sakura actually defeated a member of the akatsuki, brought Naruto back from the dead, healed a bunch of shinobi during the fourth great Ninja-war, and is essentially the strongest female kunoichi in the village that is on par with Tsunade, but yeah, she's the "useless" one.


    Bad writing.

    While a lot of the Sakura hate is comprised of absolute bullshit, much of it could have been avoided if Kishimoto actually thought of his woman as people and not "females". Honestly, the way he writes women sometimes makes me wonder if he's ever even spoken to a woman before. Sakura could have been written much better, but so too could literally all of the other women in the show.

    edit: Just to be clear, I am not putting Hinata down (it would literally go against my whole point). I am just pointing out the obvious double standard between how they treat Sakura and Hinata when at their core, they are essentially the same characters just in different skins.

  • I think Kishimoto himself admitted he dropped the ball with her.

    She's one of the strongest characters until Naruto is around and she's nerfed to near uselessness.

    And her evolution was so piss poor. They gave her super strength, healing and good chakra control at the beginning of Shippuden and called it a day. You never see her doing any jitsu, I don't even know what element she was naturally oriented to. Ffs you never even get to see her training.

    Her medical training is the absolute best and she's crazy intelligent (although this is deeply underserved too) but Naruto is a combative show. And one filled with cool ninjas that shoot fire, possess people, have animated paper airplanes etc. Sakura just punches people. She isn't as cool

  • - because she's often compared to Naruto and Sasuke as they are in the same trio but it does still seem like an unfair comparison because they're just leagues above not only her but everyone else in the series (at least pre-Boruto)

    - she's obsessed with Sasuke as you've stated - which imo was the most unlikeable thing about her by a LARGE margin and it's not even close: i don't care if she isn't the strongest (should not even be a decisive factor of why people dislike her lmao) or whatever but this was just straight up annoying

    - people automatically rule her as useless because she's a healer? lmao and that being said, she's been pretty useful at being one in Shippuden

    - also i agree with one of the above posts: just because a woman isn't strong or tough (which honestly, Sakura is pretty strong herself), it doesn't make them weak or bad by any means which is a standard which needs to be dropped

  • Naruto is not the best at keeping up with many characters that why there are not many characters like that get the good spotlight, I don't think Kishimoto is "soo bad" at writting if he was why would I care about Naruto but I do, he just is bad at who is getting the spotlight it's ~almost~ the same Bleach problem, but the Bleach problem is a little worse, ebcause amazing ideas and universe but not good at keeping track with any of this but to deffend of Kubo he got sick many times anyway. Sakura is hated because people are trapped in 2009 or something, her love for Sasuke is NOT obsessive is very genuine and they are like a military family, she grow up so much now and even people who didnt like her like now adult Sakura, she is a selfless hardworking Ninja, she is only lost to Naruto and Sasuke in power levels because those 2 are really robbed they are reeincarnations of overlord brothers no way no one can beat them I dont even believe they will male Boruto to surpass Naruto honestly, so taking this out of the way Sakura is basically the strongest Ninja of her village! Also she surpassed Lady Tsunade, Hashirama (just like Naruto etc he is something else) even recognized this! No other girl had this level of praise now cmon let us not put Hinata down, I believe Hinata is a great character and I am glad she is happy and she made her choices but do not understimate her neither play down her like that, she is still stronger than her sister (head of the clan at this moment), we don't need to put Hinata down to praise Sakura it make Sakura fans look like the dude bros when they do that... Hinata has a good personality and is great friends with Sakura lets drop it here all this talk is just so shallow.

    And Sasuke now is a man who has grown and has no more curse of hatred (thats why he was CRAY on shippuden or do yall no remember), he has restored the glory of his clan (mostly thanks to Sakura IMHO but thats my opinion many differ here, for me Sakura had a huge play on restoring the glory of his clan), he tries his best and he is not happy in having such a stupid long ass mission, he wants to be with his family like honestly stop judgin Sasuke he fucked up so bad on his teens but he paid, its rendemption he deserves everything he has he deserve the village forgiving him and having a beautiful loving family, Sakura always knew Sasuke had good on him thats one of the many reasons she never gave up on him its not obsession alsoooo this is one of the things (that both parth the dude bros and the hurdur) fail to see, she is not never was shallow (she was bratty in the few chap of naruto classic thats it!) she is very honest w her feelings only her could love Sasuke that way as a fan of Sasuke and Sakura it's always good to see both sides can we not go down to the level of Sakura haters

    that go down on other characters to make their favs look better? that would be cool!

    lack of nuance and reading overall before judgin characters is one of the reasons why its so tiresome interacting w a few part

    well lets appreciate the strongest family the Uchiha family (and my most loveliest)



    (couldnt find a gif for this entire scene is very cute ^)




  • The gifs at the end are so cute, I haven't completed naruto shippuden or watched boruto so I'm scared of spoilers but from what I take, people don't think sakura is annoying, it's mostly because of the poor choices of the writer.


  • The gifs at the end are so cute, I haven't completed naruto shippuden or watched boruto so I'm scared of spoilers but from what I take, people don't think sakura is annoying, it's mostly because of the poor choices of the writer.

    I would say Kishimoto did his best with her, his problem is not Sakura he lacks focus on many other aspects the problem is focus, Sakura has grow SO MUCH

    if we gonna judge Kishimoto its better to keep track for the manga until all the end of shippuden then read the official novels then read boruto manga then watch the boruto anime, different of naruto anime the boruto anime serves as a compliment to its story the manga is very short and the happenings on the anime are not filler :D

  • The gifs at the end are so cute, I haven't completed naruto shippuden or watched boruto so I'm scared of spoilers but from what I take, people don't think sakura is annoying, it's mostly because of the poor choices of the writer.

    also just to add the SP (studio pierrot) did Sakura dirty many times, they even exclude her from many scenes FOR REAL so honestly stick with the manga it makes way more sense, and kishimoto only writers the manga not the shippuden anime

    however many of my fav things happened in the official novels and some of them got animated some will in the future only )):

  • it means nothing you never see Tsunade do a jutsu, you don't see her training and you don't know her natural orientation neither , she just punch people

    and nobody ever say Tsunade was weak or useless '-'

    ✩We Born with the X-Gene✩

  • it means nothing you never see Tsunade do a jutsu, you don't see her training and you don't know her natural orientation neither , she just punch people

    and nobody ever say Tsunade was weak or useless '-'

    She isn't exactly one that's brought up in the strongest characters convo either to be fair

    Tsunade starts off the show already known as a legend, naturally people see her that way and she carries herself that way as well, plus she also rarely fights to begin with. The fights she does involve herself in a lot more intense than Sakura's. She fights to bitter end, she's fought until she was comatosed for months, fought until she was cut in half and kept going. That's just never gonna be Sakura, even after she surpassed her in skill, she has her (short) key moment and then kinda dips.

    Plus, everything Sakura does, Tsunade invented. Compared to Sasuke and Naruto, she hasn't done anything to differentiate herself from her mentor

    Tsunade: 65% medic, 35% fighter

    Sakura: 85% medic, 15% fighter

  • Never watched Naruto but I came across this video and gave it a go

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  • it because Kishimoto hate Sakura so much. :pepe-cut: He even admitted some interview. That's why most people hate Sakura so much. :pepefacepalm: Sakura is my favorite character. She has sharp and assertive character is not a meek character that everyone will like. Kishimoto is definitely a sexist. Otherwise, it would at least strengthen the lead character Sakura as much as Sasuke and Naruto. In other animes, female characters are not helpless. Fairy Tail and Bleach are much better.

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