A Suggestion for Guilds - Alliances!

  • EDIT:

    I’m reposting this proposal with a clearer explaination, first with how it’ll be organized:

    I propose that guilds can form alliances up to two guilds (excluding your own guild, so three I total)

    We can categorize guilds under these alliances (if any are made).

    Currently, guilds are organized under the guild section like this;

    Guild 1

    Guild 2

    Guild 3

    Guild 4

    Guild 5

    Guild 6

    However with an alliance, we can organize guilds like this whilst having a mutual thread as the ‘header’.

    Alliance 1

    - Guild 1

    - Guild 5

    - Guild 6

    Alliance 2

    - Guild 2

    - Guild 3

    - Guild 4

    For each of the ‘heading’ sections, we can have a mutual thread for all members of the guilds within that alliance.

    So for events, these pre-established guilds can compete as teams (if necessary). However they can interact more easily on a day-to-day basis, in a more official manner.

    This opens a whole new door of possibles for events and regular inter guild interaction.

    Alliance names can be chosen by the guilds!

    Edited 4 times, last by kidsgonestray ().

  • sorry explain what exactly the guild alliance is?

    you mean like being in multiple guilds?

    Not at all!

    For example, every guild is it’s guild individually but they have the potential to collaborate together during events or make shared events in an established, official manner.

    For an analogy, we can think of guilds as countries and the alliances as the UN or something like that (just not political lmao)

  • Not at all!

    For example, every guild is it’s guild individually but they have the potential to collaborate together during events or make shared events in an established, official manner.

    For an analogy, we can think of guilds as countries and the alliances as the UN or something like that (just not political lmao)

    I mean nobody is stopping us?

    It's just the prize splits that would be hard, since I doubt admins will gift the prizes to all 3 guilds.

  • So for guild events?

    How would this look exactly did you mean like a whole new forum for both guilds? and thank you for the idea, I think i had this idea as well but I'm not sure if its the same as yours

    I do think an sub forum is far fetched but for example we can categorize guilds under these alliances (if any are made).

    Currently, guilds are organized under the guild section like this;

    Guild 1

    Guild 2

    Guild 3

    Guild 4

    Guild 5

    Guild 6

    However with an alliance, we can organize guilds like this whilst having a mutual thread as the ‘header’.

    Alliance 1

    - Guild 1

    - Guild 5

    - Guild 6

    Alliance 2

    - Guild 2

    - Guild 3

    - Guild 4

    For each of the ‘heading’ sections, we can have a mutual thread for all members of the guilds within that alliance.

    So for events, these pre-established guilds can compete as teams (if necessary). However they can interact more easily on a day-to-day basis, in a more official manner.

    Edited once, last by kidsgonestray ().




    ~ ω




    Not to be a spoilsport… but we with the NEOs…


  • oh this is a really well thought out idea.

    I'll talk to ves about it, however i wont get your hopes up however it seems risky.

    Thank you for considering!

    (My hopes are diminishing as the minutes pass lol)

  • Since we're all here

    whats the highest you guys would be willing to pay for a custom theme background for the sub section?

    it would look something like this but personally designed by one of you guys and then communicated with our tech (just throwing ideas around btw not confirmed or anything)


    As in the whole guild gets it in their respective sub forum?

    I'd say 10-15k would be fair.

  • afraid this is too low

    the emblem is 10k and that only would take ves a short while, a custom theme however would take an entire day... they're really complicated, I had a look at it.. and it all seems like jumbled numbers to me.

    I guess if we had a user who understood how to design it themselves and communicate with tech but i feel as though it would end up with ves doing it on her own which isnt realistic given her plate.

    20K then?

  • afraid this is too low

    the emblem is 10k and that only would take ves a short while, a custom theme however would take an entire day... they're really complicated, I had a look at it.. and it all seems like jumbled numbers to me.

    I guess if we had a user who understood how to design it themselves and communicate with tech but i feel as though it would end up with ves doing it on her own which isnt realistic given her plate.

    I'll take as an example our guild.

    The most active members pretty much have AK.

    So we won't really need it.

    As @Sweet-Spice mentioned, not all guilds have 50 members (we have 49 but eh :P )

    Also, if we really want to, we can get more korns if we really want it. But it's not something that would be worth more than 20k. And that's stretching it.

    And yes, I know how hard Ves is working. And I appreciate her work a ton.

    Btw Ves, the badge is amazeballs as I knew it would be (much love).

    The thing is, it's something that people would consider, but it's not that high on the priority list.

    Especially since newer guilds would want other things.

    That's why I did a quick calculation of what it would be worth for the guilds.

  • i mean 20k would be ideal, it would be a rarity that guilds would get it so it wouldn't put so much strain on ves

    but i didnt think anyone would be willing to pay 20k haha

    Maybe we could have guilds and mods comprise on the price depending on how helpful the guilds are within the designing process.

    You could have a preset of something like 15K and that value could increase and decrease depending on the involvement.

    The maximum akorn price would be 20K and the minimum would be 10K and the price overall would vary relative to the involvement of the guild in the design process.

  • yeah i understand where you're coming from, hence why we havent really rolled this idea out, its just something I've been thinking about for a while now and was wondering what guild interest would be for users

    I for one would push it for our guild, since we have everything else.

    And I think other guilds who have everything would do as well.

    That's 4 I believe? Not really sure.

  • that's a really good idea but its more complicated than users think its literally a bunch of numbers and shit i dont know how many users can really do that.

    (no offense i dont know how either)

    Lol. Coding is certainly not my forte.

    If there were any surface level procedures (that don’t involve coding) though, then you could still have members aiding the staff. However then, the range of the price should be more limited.

    For example, if a guild helps on all ‘surface procedures’ they would pay 12.5K.

    If the guild helps on none of the ‘surface procedures’ the guild pays 17.5K.

    However, if there are very few surface procedures the range would be even smaller but the midpoint would still be held at around the 15K mark.

  • Brilliant!

  • Also with alliances, what about a separate subforum for alliances and threads for the different alliances? Kind of like the guilds with no subforum where they have their own thread, but in a separate subforum (like the Hunger games) so it doesn't take up their space.

    N Ξ O C I T Y


  • that's a really good idea but its more complicated than users think its literally a bunch of numbers and shit i dont know how many users can really do that.

    (no offense i dont know how either)

    Heh, coding is easy :P

    It's just algorithms.

    But in this case it would be applied CSS.

    Which is even easier :)

    You would attach a new class to only the sub forum that would over-ride normal background to the chosen picture. It would take less than a minute.

    The picture tho? That shit is hard. It's design stuff. Because it needs to be done not to overpower text.

    And since people tend to post with various colors you need to tone them down.

  • CITY  the101 how much? :eyes:

    yaaargh. We already paid 50k for a subforum.

    Emblems are 10k and subforums are 50, so I suppose 20 is a fair amount in the middle, although I still think it is high. While it is a substantial amount of work, there are what - seven guilds? So it’s not like it’s a constant stream of work here like cb badges.

    It feels like it should be 15k for the first one, then a higher amount for any subsequent ones (like if you want it Tot change for a cb.)

    I do feel like there should be some accommodation though if we can take the load off. City is pretty tech and graphics savvy as you can see with our emblem. I like kidsgonestray’s idea of a sliding scale depending on the amount of work.



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