What's the weirdest thing a stranger has said to you?

  • What's something random a stranger has said to you? Could be weird or not.

    My right foot is straight and my left foot is angled out when I walk and I wouldn't of even noticed that if a stranger hadn't pointed it out to me.. Like it's not even that noticeable :0)

    Keyser Soze GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY

    NGL Felt like I was doing the Keyser Soze walk lmfao

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  • something about relativity.

    if mass warps the space-time around it, the mass warps itself because it warps the space time and since the mass resides in that space, it gets warped as well. and that's why we orbit masses rather than get deflected away from it.

    -makes sense. ( not sarcasm -- I actually get it)

  • Not an weird praise or anything like that, but everytime an complete stranger start talking about how my eyes are beautiful it's really awkward.

    Oh, and a guy that I did know pointed out that my pupils are naturally dilated, something that I never had noticed before.

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  • Not an weird praise or anything like that, but everytime an complete stranger start talking about how my eyes are beautiful it's really awkward.

    Oh, and a guy that I did know pointed out that my pupils are naturally dilated, something that I never had noticed before.

    Interesting shark eyes reminds me of a similar situation I was in but she told me her eyes change colour when I asked about her eyes sounded like she took offense to it though :x Kinda weird or I'm just weird for asking about her eyes :/

  • semi stranger asked me or misunderstood me or misquoted me and thought I was asking about their thighs!!!!!

    this was all very recent and still perplexing to me... :/

  • something about relativity.

    if mass warps the space-time around it, the mass warps itself because it warps the space time and since the mass resides in that space, it gets warped as well. and that's why we orbit masses rather than get deflected away from it.

    -makes sense. ( not sarcasm -- I actually get it)

    I enjoyed reading this ngl kinda weird not that it was weird but it was weird that I liked it is it okay if I sc it?

  • Yeah I was walking shirtless because it's free to do it in the entire sports hall and some random older guy just tell me "oh no, wear your shirt on" (the expression is similar to "oh no"). I don't need you to say it, it's my choice.

    Also when my dad practiced me to drive the scooters you see a lot in my country because I'm near adulthood then some old man just commented something to my dad like "hey you, if you practice that way, he won't be able to ride that". And now I'm more than capable to ride that, so wow? Some of the old or middle-aged ppl just like to comment on everything they see and I don't like it. I am always annoyed when someone interfered into my own business. Who asked?

    :iloveyoub: BRIGHTWIN FOREVER :iloveyoub: SARAWATTINE FOREVER :iloveyoub: 2GETHER FOREVER :iloveyoub: 

    Bom tấn đam mỹ 2gether "đánh úp" bản điện ảnh, cặp BrightWin sắp sửa cưới  nhau hoành tráng?

  • ayo you completly right, but once a guy said my legs were short lol

    kinda made me sad-

    I can relate back in May I went shopping for a bicycle to use in the summer and this guy was like what kind of bike are you looking for? and I was like IDK maybe a GIANT? (type of bike) and legit he straight up says I have short legs.. He's like you have a long torso but short legs that wouldn't be able to reach the pedals so he was gonna build me a fuggen bike for my body structure like DUDE I just want a bike to cruise around on! not go PRO! smh I'm 5'11 and still not over it and now everyone disc is making fun of my short legs UGH!

  • That literally made my skin crawl =O

    I literally was like "haha...yeah" and then left the following bus stop even though it wasn't close to my class hall just because I was so creeped out sdlgkjsdbfgkjdfgh

    ~ ω

  • I can relate back in May I went shopping for a bicycle to use in the summer and this guy was like what kind of bike are you looking for? and I was like IDK maybe a GIANT? (type of bike) and legit he straight up says I have short legs.. He's like you have a long torso but short legs that wouldn't be able to reach the pedals so he was gonna build me a fuggen bike for my body structure like DUDE I just want a bike to cruise around on! not go PRO! smh I'm 5'11 and still not over it and now everyone disc is making fun of my short legs UGH!

    five eleven with short legs...lol

    I will remember this my friend... :/

    • Best Answer

    I copied this from a thread where I posted this a while ago.....

    This legit happened to me once and I was completely taken aback.

    "With that body, There will be so many people lining up to suck the soul out of you"

    When I tell you my jaw dropped, It hit the core of the earth. I never saw that person again but damn, this thread made me remember that comment.

    It was in front of atleast 10 people. I don't know why I felt so embarrassed.

    As far as i can remember, He was from Wales.

    I love Pikachu.

    Always have, Always will.


  • OMFG lmao! I gotta use that one someday ROFL

  • well you have plenty of time to grow...

    I'm 36 and 5'5/5'6 so old and the only way I can grow is shorter....

    yeah lol but half the people my age look like teachers and theres some that look like my 9 y/o sis- youre doing great tho, half of my uncles are 40 something and are as tall as me

  • people actually say the 3rd one irl? im confident but i would not go up to someone and say that-

  • yeah lol but half the people my age look like teachers and theres some that look like my 9 y/o sis- youre doing great tho, half of my uncles are 40 something and are as tall as me

    You’re a tad taller than me. I’m five foot. I come from my father’s side, short but healthy.

  • yeah lol but half the people my age look like teachers and theres some that look like my 9 y/o sis- youre doing great tho, half of my uncles are 40 something and are as tall as me

    then they are really short lol

    people grow at different rates so I'm sure you'll be decently average in the future... :-)

  • Someone once thought I was my partner’s daughter because of the height difference. I’m five foot, he’s six foot. Excuse me, but there’s only five years between us. I did look younger then.

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