This could be me… I’m an introvert ( wouldn’t think that if you meet me irl) so I love my time alone. So if your living to far away, it can be a friendship killer for me too…. Wow
Yeah the poll title and the Thread title are a little different. But you explained in the comments.
I get what you meat. You already feel “ ok there is something” if you’re having an ongoing friendly conversation and that several times. Just like me I didn’t intended to make friends. Tbh I didn’t even thought I would come if nice enough for people to even want to be friends with me. Cause writing online makes you miss half of the things that can be delivered through conversations.
Same, same. People also think I'm not introverted at first, because I'm easy to talk to, I talk a lot and am trying to make everyone feel comfortable and included. But it's exhausting to me hanging out all the time. Some people can't spend a lot of time home or alone and want to hang out all the time, but I just need to have some peace and quiet hah.
Btw to me you seem really nice, so it's surprising you didn't think you would come of nice enough to people!