damn they are looking at each other, I can already see the passion in their eyes how reckless of them....
Lol love your shade!!!
damn they are looking at each other, I can already see the passion in their eyes how reckless of them....
Lol love your shade!!!
So true! I remembered she did a sexy dance in front of the knowing bros cast in a different show. I was like
I think shipping people is weird
They’re just in a show together
As you should auntie crystalblues
Like if it is an Imaginary character it's not so bad, but these are humans with whole families and shizz. I would be hella weirded out and offended if someone said they shipped me with someone
I agree
hella weird and hella creepy
But anyway I love when exo interact with women
Kexol already dropped them. Time for me to thrive and get more cute content of exo being perfect gentleman
I learned my lesson, never say never.
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Lol what?!
Yeah she does have great chemistry with male idols. I like her lol
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