On 1683, the Turks besieged the Habsburg capital of Vienna.
Famous generals all around the Europe assembled to fight the Turks, but since all of them wanted to see the Habsburgs fail, they did not bring their best forces.
The King of Poland, Jan Sobieski, brought the best cavalry of the lot, but the other generals, plus the officials at Vienna, feared the Poles to steal the glory if he defeated the turks, so did the best to hinder the Polish efforts.
Despite of that, Sobieski managed to defeat the Turks to lift the siege.
After he returned victorious, other generals and the people at Vienna expected him to thank for their support. Sobieski only gave thanks to God, and did not credit anyone else's efforts.
GFriend members wrote their farewell letters, but only Yerin, SinB and Umji thanked Source Music, and not one of them thanked So Sungjin , the former owner of Source.
Sowon, Eunha and Yuju did NOT thank Source Music, which is like saying expletives without opening their mouths.
Basically they are thrown to the streets, and it is said they were contacted by no other agencies. Basically their showbiz lives are over although some of them would become streamers, and Yuju will probably become a staple in the OST industry.
I think the next target would be Nuest.
Seventeen will be retained since Big Hit bought Pledis basically to have someone to cover when BTS members go through their military services. Seventeen has 13 members so they can live through a couple members in the service.
However, Nuest, in its 10th year, might not have the same fate.
Nuest began in 2012 and its members re-signed on 2019, although the duration is not known. It is either 3 or 4 years.
Given Hybe is going to concentrate on acts they developed themselves, I don't see Nuest's contract being renewed, and I think the members will probably prepare for their next stage of life since they already saw what happened to GF, and would be given 4 days of notice to pack their bags.