With all the comeback, which is your favorite?
Mafia in the morning
Next level & Dun dun dance (I'm obsess with both and i can't really compare them because it's two songs that i listen to when i'm in a certain mood)
Mafia in the morning
Ring ring ( and i didn't like it as much than previous rocket punch song, but it'll grow )
Next level and Mafia in the morning
dun dun dance
Mafia in the morning
It's a tie for me between Next Level, Mafia in the Morning, and Dun Dun Dance!
Sorry Rocket Punch....
Easily Next level after 3rd listen
Dun Dun Dance, but have not listen to Rocket Punch yet. Gonna do it now!
for me it's:
- Dun Dun Dance
- Next Level
- Ring Ring
- We Go
- Mafia in the Morning
Mafia for me
Dun dun dance
Oh My Girl is the best.
Dun dun dance and it’s not close
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