They gave Irene & Seulgi a subunit and a solo for Wendy. What’s their plan for another two members?

What SM is going to do with joy and yeri?
probably acting, since both of them already on that way
Acting for them.
It's funny for me that most people here think that acting is the only thing for them both. First of all, Yeri is a songwriter, so she could go that route, whether it's a solo of her own or making music for others. As for Joy, her ost song was way more successful with the gp than her acting. A lot of people would be here for her solo. She is such an underrated vocalist for a lot of kpop stans, they think she is not great since she isn't a powerhouse vocalist like Wendy. But she is actually an incredible singer. So I see a lot of potential for her as a soloist. She's my RV bias, so I would be happy to see her fulfil her potential in any field she chooses, whether it's acting, singing or variety.
who knows what they are thinking, I know Yeri is acting and Joy must be modeling or something? but to be fair I miss seeing ot5 promoting
when they will ever?
anyways Yeri has my favorite voice on RV and they should totally invest on Joy somehow, what do I know about business but these 2 should never let aside both are full of potential
Joy is probably going to dabble in modeling and singing for OSTs and such. I've always loved Yeri's variety sense, especially in Yeri's Room and I know she's also trying out acting. I really want Yeri to hit big while acting. Idol actors aren't always amazing but I really want Yeri to overcome all the past hate and kill it! I also like how she's starting small to work on her skills.
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