Characterized and distinguished by his iconic red top hat, he calls himself ThePhantomThief , but it seems as if no AKP citizen knows what thievery he has committed. Neither do they seem to notice. Much like a phantom, he has gone undetected and hidden in plain sight.
In this episode of AKP Unsolved Mysteries, I am here to present you a compilation of clues as stated by the man himself.
Exhibit A: Although ThePhantomThief does not confess to stealing, he does admit to the temptation of "souveniring" the Jennie poster. While no crime had been committed, the conscious thought existed in his mind.
Exhibit B: An open confession!
Saw someone post itzy stats on the PC article, let me go steal it...
Exhibit C: Although the keyword "might" does not incriminate him, he expresses the desire to "sweep in and steal Rosé."
While these two bicker in a delightful Rom-Com way, I might sweep in and steal Rosé
Seems for the best
Exhibit C: Stealing Kiwis! What will New Zealanders such as Ripia have to say about this heinous act? Perhaps Ripia may be able to provide a testimony.
What surprises me is that the media here actively IGNORES the achievements of Australians in kpop.
The media absolutely wets themselves over Rebel Wilson, Margot Robbie, Chris Hemsworth or Tones and I and their achievements. We even LOVE to steal Kiwis that have a link to Australia is they make it big.
But theres never a peep about Australians doing well in kpop.
Take Rose. It's true one can argue the fact that she is/isn't Australian, but for mainstream media to actively ignore her and for many Aussies have no idea who she is, when she considers Melbourne her hometown and speaks in an unashamedly Aussie accent, is insane given her achievements.
My detective work is completed for the time being. It is up to the AKP public to form their own opinions about the information I've provided. However, it's without a doubt that ThePhantomThief has been stealing hearts, most notably the hearts of Yama-Chan , thebadguy , Tatiana1820 , Adelaidestevsn , and Dreamer95 . This is something we can agree on. In recent times, he has been seen actively participating in the MHJ-HYBE war as an independent, one-man militia fighting for vigilante justice. One could argue in his defense that he is something of a Robin Hood character — engaging in thievery, but having noble intentions in his heart.