P*nnchoa rushing to delete posts they fabricated for fear of legal repercussions (Eg.: 'Court documents show Lesserafim "stole" Louis Vuitton from NewJeans')

  • Looks like Source Music cracked down on the leeches trying to profit off of this scandal by making up and spreading lies and fake news regarding Lesserafim, and P*nnchoa is fearing for their lives lmao

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    I mean you only needed to take 2 seconds to read that trash arse "article" they posted to know its headline claiming Lesserafim stole an LV deal from NJ was complete bullshit, and no court ever made a statement regarding some specific LV deal for either Lesserafim or NJ. That was entirely a clickbait title P*nnchoa made up to drive up engagement and ad revenues, and smear Lesserafim's name in the process. But alas, asking trash tier trolls to be able to read and have the integrity not to spread fake news to support their agenda is obviously a tall order :wellr:

    The trash tier trolls rn:


  • It is because a certain Karen does not control Ador anymore, and the Ador bank accounts.

    They got to make they new people that control the bank accounts now happy.

    I think some people don't get it. This is not tic-tac-toe, its chess.

    You win a war by controlling the resources such as money, information channels and other things. The mercenaries paid by one side, see that they no longer can be paid and have switched sides.

    Edited 2 times, last by K-PL ().

  • Also if lesserrafim didn't stole newjeans' LV brand deal then source would had explicitly denied it but they didn't and are completely silent about it.

    Its ok tho, lsrf can just say thank you to newjeans, im sure newjeans girls won't mind, they do quite a lot of charity anyways.

    It doesn't matter if they stole it or not. P*nnchoa is not gettting paid by Karen anymore. They switched sides to the team that now controls the Ador bank accounts.

  • This just confirms lsfm have been the victims of a witch hunt, with bunch of defamatory manipulated posts being pushed forward across multiple international and domestic plateforms to frame them as some kind of antagonists. And people falling for it and jumping on the opportunity to gang up on them and lash onto them claiming any of this was justified is really pathetic.

    Hope justice ends up being served one way or another.

  • It doesn't matter if they stole it or not. P*nnchoa is not gettting paid by Karen anymore. They switched sides to the team that now controls the Ador bank accounts.

    You know .. calling her Karen won't make her a Karen and near Hybe executives she is almost normal if we are being honest here. Both sides are bad, but Hybe is way worse.. let's not act like Hybe higher ups are good people.

    And you keep accusing her of paying others etc without a single proof is embarrassing to you. Have some shame, kpl.

  • You know .. calling her Karen won't make her a Karen and near Hybe executives she is almost normal if we are being honest here. Both sides are bad, but Hybe is way worse.. let's not act like Hybe higher ups are good people.

    And you keep accusing her of paying others etc without a single proof is embarrassing to you. Have some shame, kpl.

    I'm being kind calling her a Karen.

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    I'm not sure how anyone can morally as a human being support her

  • Defamation in korean law doesn’t mean the orginal claims were false. You can win a defamation case in korea even if you say the truth.

    Also Pa.nchoa is probably being sponsored by Kakao not by Ador lol.

    Ador barely has money to finance the girls combacks and even then they make collabs very often because of the little investments and capital they get from Hybe.

  • Also if lesserrafim didn't stole newjeans' LV brand deal then source music would had explicitly denied it but they didn't and are completely silent about it.

    That's not a good defense tbh

    Those claims originated from a forum post, even tokki translations of the court injunction didn't have that bit



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