Kpop companies should rather focus on creating American boygroups than American girlgroups

  • I don't understand the preference for debuting American girl groups over boy groups, especially by big kpop labels like JYP and HYBE.

    Shouldn't their industry research give them the obvious idea that the pop music industry lacks a flamboyant boyish male popstar/pop group? I believe that's slightly why male kpop idols are still trending in the West even after the peak of the kpop boom.

    On the contrary, the pop industry has plenty of female pop stars young girls and adults can look up to. It's a competitive market and hard to succeed. I don't see them even competing with other popular kpop GGs unless they have a 10/10 discography.

    But imagine if there was a multi-racial boy group with tiktok fckboy visuals, one-direction singing talent and basic kpop BG dancing skills. International kpop bg fangirls would finally have idols they can understand linguistically and relate to culturally. Psychology suggests that most people tend to be attracted to others who share the same cultural/racial background. They can use this to their advantage to propagate the parasocial relationship between the members and the fans (a thing which kpop heavily relies on).

    Overall, an American boy group seems like a safer bet and easier option than an American girl group. Not that these companies aren't planning to debut an American boy group in the future, nor am I saying they shouldn't debut any Western girl groups at all, but I would try out a Western BG first if I were in their position.

    𝐁𝐓𝐒 ♡ 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐤 ♡ 𝐀𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐚


  • american audience aren't into boy groups (maybe in the past) now they are looked down upon especially Asian boys aren't taken seriously. Girl groups have a bit more of a chance , but I personally think kpop companies should stop trying to debut groups in America. period

  • Hybe is actually smart to not try to debut an american boy group when the most popular boy group in America is still very active. Any group they try to debut in that market will constantly be compared to BTS. There is a reason why american boygroupds that debuted after BTS promotions in the west never took off. Their mediocrity could not save them when compared to a kpop group with sheer amounts of talents.

    Also if I am not mistaken Hybe has not debuted any all american group yet. Katseye is an international girl group. So they do not count here. Anyways girlgroup is safe. There is no dominant girl group in the american market currently so it is a free real estate and I can see why kpop labels are vying for that spot.

  • Western boy groups (and girl groups) tend not to last long.

    They usually don't have the discipline to keep internal fights hidden, to not get in all kinds of other trouble and to get their dancing and team work up to the same level as Kpop groups by long hours of practicing together instead of partying.

    It always starts with one leaving, the remaining ones have one more album or so and then it's bye bye.

  • Hybe is actually smart to not try to debut an american boy group when the most popular boy group in America is still very active. Any group they try to debut in that market will constantly be compared to BTS. There is a reason why american boygroupds that debuted after BTS promotions in the west never took off. Their mediocrity could not save them when compared to a kpop group with sheer amounts of talents.

    Also if I am not mistaken Hybe has not debuted any all american group yet. Katseye is an international girl group. So they do not count here. Anyways girlgroup is safe. There is no dominant girl group in the american market currently so it is a free real estate and I can see why kpop labels are vying for that spot.

    Isn't Katseye debuting under HYBE's American label? That's why I called them an American group. I know the girls belong to multiple countries apart from North America.

    Also I don't think HYBE really wants BTS to be their only major boygroup in the west. It's an ambitious company and wouldn't mind another artist of theirs become more popularity than BTS. Comparisons are common in the music industry and that has never stopped anyone from becoming successful.

    𝐁𝐓𝐒 ♡ 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐤 ♡ 𝐀𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐚


  • Western boy groups (and girl groups) tend not to last long.

    They usually don't have the discipline to keep internal fights hidden, to not get in all kinds of other trouble and to get their dancing and team work up to the same level as Kpop groups by long hours of practicing together instead of partying.

    It always starts with one leaving, the remaining ones have one more album or so and then it's bye bye.

    I believe you can find hard working people anywhere around the world. The advantages with an international group is that you can find the right candidates from a much wider demographic. No need to limit yourself to a 50M population to find half the members for your group.

    The problem with 1D and Fifth Harmony is that the members auditioned to be solo artists and aspired to be as such. They were kinda forced to be put together as a group. Rock bands stay around for much longer even though they are one of the most messed up people ever. Kpop group members train together and companies closely watch their dynamics to see whether they can debut as a group. There are plenty of rumors that the dynamics between kpop survival group members are just as toxic as the popular western bands.

    𝐁𝐓𝐒 ♡ 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐤 ♡ 𝐀𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐚


  • Isn't Katseye debuting under HYBE's American label? That's why I called them an American group. I know the girls belong to multiple countries apart from North America.

    Also I don't think HYBE really wants BTS to be their only major boygroup in the west. It's an ambitious company and wouldn't mind another artist of theirs become more popularity than BTS. Comparisons are common in the music industry and that has never stopped anyone from becoming successful.

    You don’t get it. BTS is a Hybe act who dominates the boy group scene in the American market. That’s their own artiste. No company will waste a lot of money replicating another group to compete their own.

    How many Hybe boy groups have you seen receiving the same level of promotions as BTS in the west?? It’s common sense.

    There’s a reason tons of money is being thrown at Newjeans right now to promote in the west. Because as I said, Hybe is interested in owning the girl group market since there’s no dominant act there like BTS. “It’s a free real estate”

    Also katseye is a global girl group. It’s literally written in their profile. You keep mentioning “American bg/gg and Western bg/gg”. Anyone reading this will assume its nationality and not exactly where they are being promoted. BTS promotes in the west but no one calls them an American bg because it sounds weird. Just write your points better next time.

  • yesssss i would absolutely love an international boygroup!!!

    id be so interested to see what sort of looks theyd have. for me to like them theyd have to be my type lol

    id love some british guysss

    i hope this happens one day

  • I believe the demographics and market for boy groups is smaller, with mainly teenage girls.

    For female groups, the appeal is broader and they can employ a female empowerment concepts to gain credibility and support with older audiences.

  • I believe you can find hard working people anywhere around the world. The advantages with an international group is that you can find the right candidates from a much wider demographic. No need to limit yourself to a 50M population to find half the members for your group.

    The problem with 1D and Fifth Harmony is that the members auditioned to be solo artists and aspired to be as such. They were kinda forced to be put together as a group. Rock bands stay around for much longer even though they are one of the most messed up people ever. Kpop group members train together and companies closely watch their dynamics to see whether they can debut as a group. There are plenty of rumors that the dynamics between kpop survival group members are just as toxic as the popular western bands.

    And yet they have the discipline to not air their grievances everywhere, which was exactly my point.

    I know we always have to say "Kpop bad" whenever we compare it with other music industries and can never say even 1 or 2 positive things in comparison before someone feels the need to write a rebuttal, but the fact is that they are more disciplined.

    Destiny's Child, the Spice Girls and Take That did not debut as solo artists first, and yet they all had 1 or more members leaving with a lot of drama surrounding it. Destiny's Child held on the longest after the member leaving, but it was also had the messiest line-up changes, with two members being replaced by two others, of which one then also left rapidly afterwards.

    Also, when you compare the choreography of western boy/girl groups with any success, it's nowhere near that of most Kpop groups.

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