Or is it just a trend?
Is there anyone who genuinely likes nwjs songs?
Changed the title of the thread from “Is there anyone who genuinely like nwjs songs?” to “Is there anyone who genuinely likes nwjs songs?”. -
They have good songs. I like their songs more than their members (except minji)
What kind of question is this? -
I agree with this, but on the flip side of OP bc I don’t follow any of the above groups closely but I hear about all of them bc I curate my social media experience to include many groups on purpose! I like having a buffet-style socmed situation so I don’t go bored. New Jeans is everywhere on my socials even though I don’t listen to them. Ive and LSF probably show up equally if not a little less on my feeds recently.
hype boy still holds up
You wrote letters in wrong order. It is WJSN
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Or is it just a trend?
Hahahahhahaahahahhaha, yeah def a trend like BP 😂😂😂😂
Yes, I genuinely like some of their songs.
And sometimes I listen to their songs while drawing.
I agree with this, but on the flip side of OP bc I don’t follow any of the above groups closely but I hear about all of them bc I curate my social media experience to include many groups on purpose! I like having a buffet-style socmed situation so I don’t go bored. New Jeans is everywhere on my socials even though I don’t listen to them. Ive and LSF probably show up equally if not a little less on my feeds recently.
Good user
I used to hate on them on the forum as they were blowing up but their songs converted me
I used to hate on them on the forum as they were blowing up but their songs converted me
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