Why I think Nmixx will have a bigger fanbase and longevity than Itzy

  • Nmixx debuted with one of the most unacceptable songs from a big 4 group, according to the public. Consequently, people didn't have high expectations for them. Fans who stan them are either genuinely in love with their songs or are simply company stans. They lack success stans or a general public following is actually a blessings in disguise as public reactions or 'quality' of their songs won't lead to a significant downfall.

    On the other hand, with Itzy, they have numerous success stans, who now probably stanning more successful groups, seeking a sense of superiority that Itzy may no longer provide. They have the general public in their favor, and people love their music, image, and concept. Consequently, if they change their concept or if the quality of their songs declines, they will face substantial criticism. They have a reputation to maintain, unlike Nmixx, whose songs have their own fanbase by now.

    In short, JYP's strategy for Nmixx is not bad; it's simply a case of not losing what they never had.

  • you may not know. But most of Itzy's fans are multi-stans, especially corporate stans. Itzy fans refused to move on them. itzy and nmixx are not twice

    they are practically the second choice of agency fans for gg. Yes, Nmixx now looks more promising, that's what Itzy did before

    if jype makes a girl group with better debutants then they will also be left out

  • Nmixx debut dengan salah satu lagu yang paling tidak bisa diterima dari grup 4 besar menurut publik. Oleh karena itu, masyarakat tidak mempunyai ekspektasi yang tinggi terhadap mereka. Penggemar yang mendukung mereka benar-benar jatuh cinta dengan lagu-lagu mereka atau sekadar pendukung perusahaan. Kurangnya stan kesuksesan atau pengikut masyarakat umum sebenarnya merupakan berkah terselubung karena reaksi publik atau 'kualitas' lagu mereka tidak akan menyebabkan penurunan yang signifikan.

    Di sisi lain, dengan Itzy, mereka memiliki banyak stan sukses, yang sekarang mungkin menjadi grup yang lebih sukses, mencari rasa superioritas yang mungkin tidak lagi diberikan oleh Itzy. Mereka disukai masyarakat umum, dan orang-orang menyukai musik, citra, dan konsep mereka. Akibatnya, jika mereka mengubah konsep atau jika kualitas lagu mereka menurun, mereka akan mendapat kritik yang besar. Mereka memiliki reputasi yang harus dipertahankan, tidak seperti Nmixx, yang lagu-lagunya kini memiliki basis penggemar sendiri.

    Singkatnya, strategi JYP untuk Nmixx tidak buruk; ini hanyalah sebuah kasus untuk tidak kehilangan apa yang tidak pernah mereka miliki.

    nmixx tidak bagus haha. views, stream, iTunes, bahkan chart mereka juga semua bergantung pada promo dan juga lagu itu sendiri.

    mereka seperti itzy 2.0 dengan versi yang lebih baik. masih baru tentunya para penggemarnya masih penasaran dan semakin setia, namun hal itu tidak akan bertahan lama jika nmixx selalu mengecewakan. stan gen4 girl group jype sebagian besar adalah perusahaan penusuk atau multi stan. kamu harus tahu itu

  • nmixx tidak bagus haha. views, stream, iTunes, bahkan chart mereka juga semua bergantung pada promo dan juga lagu itu sendiri.

    mereka seperti itzy 2.0 dengan versi yang lebih baik. masih baru tentunya para penggemarnya masih penasaran dan semakin setia, namun hal itu tidak akan bertahan lama jika nmixx selalu mengecewakan. stan gen4 girl group jype sebagian besar adalah perusahaan penusuk atau multi stan. kamu harus tahu itu


  • I actually agree. But Nmixx are still on the same level as Itzy popularity-wise. Yeah, Nmixx's music is better IMO, with Dash being their best title track to date, but they're not getting any more popular. Itzy and Nmixx's comebacks have caused JYP's stock to plummet because of their low album sales. So we can expect more flopping from both groups in the near future.

  • What you said about the public's perception on NMIXX and ITZY is pretty accurate, but I disagree calling it JYP's strategy for NMIXX.

    They might have a fanbase, but I'm not sure at how much significantly big a girlgroup's fandom can be without a hit song through the whole career to make it up for the lack of public's support.

    Especially that, since the beginning, It's very obvious NMIXX debuted to replace TWICE's position in the company as a flagship group, since It was still undefined If the members would renew and, even If they were, TWICE members now most likely get a bigger cut from their profits in comparison to their first contract.

    NMIXX was promoted/adversed for months prior to their debut as the public's "next favorite girlgroup" and the agency was very much aware of the 2021 trend (after Next Level's reception) to make sure their female group would be able to successful jump on it.

    And the way they have been constantly changing NMIXX's sound, It seems they are still hoping the group will finally drop something that sticks.

  • Contrary to Itzy, NMIXX has a lot of talent Stans I don’t even know if it makes sense. But people are willing to give more chance since they’re talented and have potential.

    Itzy were on the same boat but they lost it with other GG rising.

    It's true that at that time GP and the fans also gave Itzy a chance after being disappointed since loco.

    after that they continued down. The viral sneaker moment doesn't help because JYP sucks at promotion

    now nmixx is also the same. they are still new, they were given a chance after lovee like this then sonar of course they look more loyal. even though they both rely on the right songs and promos

  • :pepewhat:

    They are like ITZY 2.0 with a better version. It's still new, of course, the fans are still curious and more loyal, but it won't last long if NMIXX always disappoints. Gen4 girl group JYPE's fans are mostly loyal to one group or a multi-fan company. You should know this.

    I translated the last sentence with google translate. ^^ I think that's what he meant. I don't agree with what he said, by the way, Nmixx is different from Itzy. Nmixx reminds me a bit of Red Velvet. Because Sm was more successful in experimental groups and jyp isn't, this is why Nmixx could not blow up. I blame Jyp because all girl groups have lost their influence.

  • Nmixx is probably the most vocally blessed group in 4th gen so they can easily get into the good graces of the GP with just vocal strength. The only thing standing in their way is the management.

    I think the strategy is to get a core fandom first and then later concentrate on building on GP approval with variety etc. I could be wrong obv.

  • too early to say, Nmixx is barely a 2 years old group and they have no hit, fanbase wise Itzy debuted 5 years ago and Nmixx 2 years ago

    Also Nmixx's first day on hanteo for their last album doesn't seam higher than Itzy despite being a lot younger group so i wouldn't say anything until Nmixx is 5 years into their career

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