both AAA and SMA failed to fill up the stadium in SEA

  • aren't they doing market research before booking the venue??

    Nope, obviously not. I'm shocked the companies are actually buying the hype without any probable fan presence of these groups. Booking Stadiums in New York, Thailand and Philippines and selling 10-15 percent is nuts.

    Like what on Earth made.them think groups that play Arenas and theatres could come close to selling out these venues?

  • Nope, obviously not. I'm shocked the companies are actually buying the hype without any probable fan presence of these groups. Booking Stadiums in New York, Thailand and Philippines and selling 10-15 percent is nuts.

    Like what on Earth made.them think groups that play Arenas and theatres could come close to selling out these venues?

    The ppl making these decision are the type that wants to milk KPOP fans as much as possible while being ignorant that most KPOP fans are way too smart and obviously see these leeching strategy - hence these events flopping

  • Nope, obviously not. I'm shocked the companies are actually buying the hype without any probable fan presence of these groups. Booking Stadiums in New York, Thailand and Philippines and selling 10-15 percent is nuts.

    Like what on Earth made.them think groups that play Arenas and theatres could come close to selling out these venues?

    then what's the problem it doesn't sell out no problem. I mean who is the group that always sells out stadiums apart from the top two who are in the military and on hiatus. and the gen2 group who will not be performing anymore

    They need a stadium for a bigger stage and an audience that can accommodate a lot of people for one day. I mean SMTOWN and even Twice, which we know is big in ASEAN, is not always sold out

  • then what's the problem it doesn't sell out no problem. I mean who is the group that always sells out stadiums apart from the top two who are in the military and on hiatus. and the gen2 group who will not be performing anymore

    They need a stadium for a bigger stage and an audience that can accommodate a lot of people for one day. I mean SMTOWN and even Twice, which we know is big in ASEAN, is not always sold out

    Twice sold out 2 stadiums in SEA and the number of seats they booked in Indonesia was much higher than an arena. But that's the point.

    Twice, BTS, BP, etc have a long history of touring and are booking Stadiums like MetLife, SoFi, Bulacan, Foro Sol, Nissan etc and selling them out because they have a long history of building their names and figuring out which venues work for them for the most part.

    This is a bunch of touring nobodies essentially booking a venues that less than 1% of artists can sell out and looking at the Thailand show and the MetLife cancelled show recently they actually sold less tickets than small arenas. The problem? First its embarrassing for the companies and groups to take that black eye and second stadiums have much harder booking requirements and much higher booking fees so it's not only a money out but a potential hindrance for Kpop acts booking these venues in the future, especially if the show is cancelled.

  • Dua kali terjual habis 2 stadion di SEA dan jumlah kursi yang mereka pesan di Indonesia jauh lebih banyak dibandingkan satu arena. Tapi itulah intinya.

    Twice, BTS, BP, dll memiliki sejarah panjang dalam tur dan memesan Stadion seperti MetLife, SoFi, Bulacan, Foro Sol, Nissan dll dan menjualnya karena mereka memiliki sejarah panjang dalam membangun nama mereka dan mencari tahu tempat mana yang cocok untuk mereka. mereka untuk sebagian besar.

    Ini adalah sekelompok orang yang tidak melakukan tur yang pada dasarnya memesan tempat yang kurang dari 1% artis dapat terjual habis dan melihat pertunjukan di Thailand dan pertunjukan MetLife yang dibatalkan baru-baru ini, mereka sebenarnya menjual lebih sedikit tiket daripada arena kecil. Masalah? Pertama, memalukan bagi perusahaan dan grup untuk mengambil tindakan tersebut dan kedua stadion memiliki persyaratan pemesanan yang jauh lebih sulit dan biaya pemesanan yang jauh lebih tinggi sehingga tidak hanya mengeluarkan uang tetapi juga berpotensi menjadi hambatan bagi artis Kpop yang memesan tempat tersebut di masa depan, terutama jika pertunjukan dibatalkan.

    Saya suka dua kali sampai mati tapi ya, dua kali tidak selalu terjual habis di ASEAN. contoh nyata di Indonesia. Maksudku SMtown juga melakukan hal yang sama.

    Itu tandanya Anda tidak bisa berharap tiket selalu terjual habis. mereka menjualnya demi Tuhan. tapi untuk menjual dengan baik tidak harus 100 persen.

    Apa masalahnya kalau diadakan karena memakan waktu dua hari dua kali pembayaran dan merugikan pihak promotor? ini bisnis, ayolah

  • Penggemar SEA sudah mendapatkan konser kpop secara rutin + banyak konser kpop tidak pantas mendapatkan tiket mahal yang mereka jual, apalagi acara dihargai lemah seperti SMA. :pepe-mengangkat bahu:

    Perusahaan KPOP harus berusaha lebih keras untuk menarik penggemar kpop yang sudah ada karena kami tidak lagi putus asa haha

    walaupun tiket tidak terjual mereka tetap mendapat keuntungan mereka akan mencari merek lokal di negara tempat diadakannya untuk menurunkan harga. Mereka tidak perlu membayar idola dua kali lipat untuk tampil selama dua hari dibandingkan di arena. ya harga

    stadionnya lebih mahal tetapi mereka tetap mendapat keuntungan. seperti tidak mungkin hanya menjual 50 persen saja. selalu 70 persennya tidak terjual

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