On September 29, Team Korea emerged victorious in the League of Legends competition at the 19th Asian Games, thereby securing the coveted gold medal. A significant win, it bestowed upon star player, Faker, and the rest of the team, the rare privilege of exemption from compulsory military service.
Under South Korea's conscription system, all able-bodied men are required to serve in either the army, navy, or air force. This mandatory service, usually seen as a rite of passage, is a significant commitment. However, there are certain exceptions. Individuals who have brought national prestige and honors internationally can be exempted from this obligatory duty.
Athletes fall into this special category. Those who win an Olympic medal or a gold medal in the Asian Games can have their mandatory service waived as an acknowledgment of their contributions to the country's stature on the global stage. This recognition extends not just to traditional sports, but also to eSports, due to its recent recognition as a medal event.