Was I bullied or just "teased"?

  • Well... this thread is maybe a bit random, but I remember when I was younger, boys would do stuff like steal my beanie.

    And every time they stole my beanie or something, I would try to beat them up, thinking that it would make them stop, but nope, they kept doing it.

    I have been told that if I ignored it then it would have stopped.

    So... it is kind of my own fault that I got teased.

    Maybe if I had ignored them, they maybe would have stopped and left me alone, and I wouldn't have made this AKP thread.

    I had also been told that boys do it because they have a crush on me.... That's rubbish....

    And I remember that when I started being into kpop as a 16 year old, I got teased for it.

    I do kind of wonder if me being autistic had anything to do with the teasing.

    Probably not, I do remember my female classmates making fun of me for fidgeting with my hoodie strings.

    I remember also when the girls were acting silly and then said "We have autism", and I didn't find it funny...

    Oh wait, there was one time when a boy asked "what did you say you had? Racism?" (this might sound to you like he was asking a genuine question, but it felt like mocking to me. Especially because of how the other boys laughed at it.)

    I think that I wasn't the only girl who was teased, but I maybe was the girl, who was teased the most.

    I don't know if this thing was bullying or just "boys being boys".

    Because of the teasing, I have bad memories of public school.

    When I have talked about my experience with my parents, they have acted like it was no big deal, and maybe it wasn't.

    And I did also go to school every day (unless I was too sick, of course), while I have sometimes thought "if I really had been bullied, I maybe would have skipped school a lot."

    But heck, I wasn't an angel, who did nothing wrong, because I put tissue papers (some of them having my boogers on them) in a boy's locker because I disliked him. He was also one of them who teased me.

  • you were bullied a bit. Kids don't know what it means when someone says stop it seems. As key10lee said teasing is done playfully and to not offend/upset someone. They were clearly being malicious. And bullies like to pick on the 'weaker' people

  • If it felt like bullying to you, then it more likely was.

    The things you mentioned may seem minor to some people, but it's really about your perception of it as the person who experienced it. You have a better understanding of what happened and what you perceived the intentions of the people picking on you were.

    As a side note, I will say that bullying is usually done consistently with an intention of being hurtful while teasing is more playful. Were you able to distinguish the intentions of the people performing these acts? If so, that will give you some insight.



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