Well... this thread is maybe a bit random, but I remember when I was younger, boys would do stuff like steal my beanie.
And every time they stole my beanie or something, I would try to beat them up, thinking that it would make them stop, but nope, they kept doing it.
I have been told that if I ignored it then it would have stopped.
So... it is kind of my own fault that I got teased.
Maybe if I had ignored them, they maybe would have stopped and left me alone, and I wouldn't have made this AKP thread.
I had also been told that boys do it because they have a crush on me.... That's rubbish....
And I remember that when I started being into kpop as a 16 year old, I got teased for it.
I do kind of wonder if me being autistic had anything to do with the teasing.
Probably not, I do remember my female classmates making fun of me for fidgeting with my hoodie strings.
I remember also when the girls were acting silly and then said "We have autism", and I didn't find it funny...
Oh wait, there was one time when a boy asked "what did you say you had? Racism?" (this might sound to you like he was asking a genuine question, but it felt like mocking to me. Especially because of how the other boys laughed at it.)
I think that I wasn't the only girl who was teased, but I maybe was the girl, who was teased the most.
I don't know if this thing was bullying or just "boys being boys".
Because of the teasing, I have bad memories of public school.
When I have talked about my experience with my parents, they have acted like it was no big deal, and maybe it wasn't.
And I did also go to school every day (unless I was too sick, of course), while I have sometimes thought "if I really had been bullied, I maybe would have skipped school a lot."
But heck, I wasn't an angel, who did nothing wrong, because I put tissue papers (some of them having my boogers on them) in a boy's locker because I disliked him. He was also one of them who teased me.