France is in flames. Macron blames social media and video games for inciting violence.

  • France is falling due to North Africa + Middle Eastern immigration

    too many people came there in short time from places where they were living different lives with different values

    now police will shoot a guy who wanted to commit a crime or even already commited a crime and those uneducated morons will riot and act like they are in the middle of the desert in some third or even fourth world country...

    An honest take that reality supports but morons will deny. Another un checked immigration rife EU country destroyed.

  • An honest take that reality supports but morons will deny. Another un checked immigration rife EU country destroyed.

    it's interesting tho because you don't see things like this happening in Spain or Italy which means that maybe somehow people are happier there?

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  • it's interesting tho because you don't see things like this happening in Spain or Italy which means that maybe somehow people are happier there?

    There are way fewer immigrants in Spain and Italy. Lots of African illegals land in Italy but they don't stay there. Now if you take a look at Sweden, they too had riots last year and the funny thing is, you cannot explain these by Sweden's non existent colonial past. Which demonstrates that it is just an excuse.

    France colonized Vietnam, there even was a war for independance (Indochina War). But for some reason, French Vietnamese are not looting and pillaging, I wonder why.

  • There are way fewer immigrants in Spain and Italy. Lots of African illegals land in Italy but they don't stay there. Now if you take a look at Sweden, they too had riots last year and the funny thing is, you cannot explain these by Sweden's non existent colonial past. Which demonstrates that it is just an excuse.

    France colonized Vietnam, there even was a war for independance (Indochina War). But for some reason, French Vietnamese are not looting and pillaging, I wonder why.

    I think there were some riots and protests in Denmark, and Sweden, don't sure about Norway

    as far as I remember it was something about the immigration rules change, and some people who were there for 5, 7 or even more years learnt that they won't be able to stay anymore and that they will be deported, I remember in last year there were even some documentaries about that

    as for Sweden there was also that dumbo which was preaching that they will make sharia law the most important of laws in Sweden... :facepalm:

    as about France I've seen some weird posts online like: "they've poisoned the wells, and destroyed crops in our country 78213782 years ago, so they are bad people, now we came here, and we were silent, but we will now speak and do something!" :clown:

    for Italy I like how the well known mob/mafia tv series portrayed it usually, you have it a bit in Gomorra, and then much more in Suburra, and in Blocco 181, because when I was in Italy about 20 years ago as young kid there barely were any people of color, I was there for 5 days in cities Verona, Vicenza, Venice, Padova, and one small city near the sea. Maybe it was because I was in the north/east part of Italy but seriously seriously even in such tourist spot like Venice I could mostly see just Italians, there were also some people from Balkans, so when I was watching those mafia series on Netflix I was surprised how much things must changed, I was like... so there are people from Romania, from Albania, from South America, from North Africa, from Middle East, and they group themselves, sometimes team up, sometimes fight against each other, or overall against Italians, it's a mess...

    this is one of points which made Poland block that immigration for years, yeah we let Ukrainians in but let's be honest the looks, the faith (bit differs but same shit), the usual behavior of 'normal' people is the same in both countries

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  • France is falling due to North Africa + Middle Eastern immigration

    too many people came there in short time from places where they were living different lives with different values

    now police will shoot a guy who wanted to commit a crime or even already commited a crime and those uneducated morons will riot and act like they are in the middle of the desert in some third or even fourth world country...

    Oh dear god please tell me i didn't just read what i read :|:|:|:|:|:|

    " too many people came here in short time "

    do you actually know what you are talking about or you're just opening your mouth to try to be interesting

    Because these many people who came here are people who were brought in France to work for underpaid jobs but necessary that french people thought were too degrading for them to work there and the french government was happy to have all these people came here

    secondly a big part of this people are also french people who used to live in the ex-colonies and went back to France when war started there

    and yes they are people who come also here because French for years have stolen the ressources of country like Algeria etc.. and making difficult for the country to develop as they wanted so why it's not a problem to have french people go live there and steal their ressources ?

    but it's the problem when the role are inversed ?

    "now police will shoot a guy who wanted to commit a crime or even already commited a crime and those uneducated morons will riot"

    OMG i can't with people who aren't even french but are so open to talk about politics and what's happening in france

    Yeah the guy committed a crime but shooting a guy in the head when he's just running away is not an excuse, he could have pursue him or try to shoot in the wheel of the car to stop it

    shooting someone should be the last options not the first one

    and yes people have every right to riot because one week ago another guy of 19yo was shoot by a police officer for no reason and nobody talked about it on the media

    because when the riot were still pretty peaceful, in contrary of trying to calm everything and speak to the population before things gets overblown the president and his wife were at the elton john concert, dancing and smiling as if they don't care about what's happening in the country

    and also because rights in france have been neglicted by police officer so many times, in France we have a right call right to " la desobeissance civil" and when people use it during the protest against the retreat reform and riot peacefully, it didn't stop police officer to neglicted their rights and drag them on the ground, hit them, and use gaz on them

    Do i agree with the violence and destruction during this riot ? Of course not

    Do i understand why they are using violence now ? Yes because this riot are not a respond to Nahel death only, but a respond to a government who let too many things slide, who use violence to lightly now at any reason and always trying to justify it by dumb excuses

    and they saw that when you try to make the actual government listen to you by being peaceful and calm they don't listen to you and just brush it off

    so now their only way to get their voice listen is by using violence

  • Yeah the guy committed a crime but shooting a guy in the head when he's just running away is not an excuse, he could have pursue him or try to shoot in the wheel of the car to stop it

    shooting someone should be the last options not the first one

    He was not shot in the head. And shooting a car's wheel doesn't stop the car; real life is not a video game nor a Hollywood movie. So maybe don't blame foreigners for talking about things that you don't know about either.

  • btw you should read my follow up posts...

    after all this thread is a discussion about things

    then you wouldn't write about people who were brought in to do underpaid jobs etc.

    this is what I wrote in second post:

    "yes you are right here I don't know history, and you are also right that for sure hard working people like doctors are always welcome

    tho no one needs those who will come and sit down, live their life on social benefits and do some drug deals, run around with guns, dropping out of school at age 15-16 etc."

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  • Interesting that when the riots happen in a Western country, then burning down infrastructure, looting shops, attacking other people and disrupting everything in general is a no-no but in HK it was "a beautiful sight to behold", "peaceful protest", etc. :melon_think:

  • The thing is France even bring Doctors from Algeria to under pay them my best friend has a sister who went to France to work as Doctor and she told me that she's severally under payed compared to local Franche doctors and what the Franche does is that they send Algerian doctors to small villages in France where no one wants to go to and if she wants to get to be paid the same as a local doctor she needs to go through many tests to prove her level so yeah

  • The thing is France even bring Doctors from Algeria to under pay them my best friend has a sister who went to France to work as Doctor and she told me that she's severally under payed compared to local Franche doctors and what the Franche does is that they send Algerian doctors to small villages in France where no one wants to go to and if she wants to get to be paid the same as a local doctor she needs to go through many tests to prove her level so yeah

    It's simultaneously hilarious and terrifying that someone can imply this is due to racism rather than vastly different medical education standards in the two countries.

  • The thing is France even bring Doctors from Algeria to under pay them my best friend has a sister who went to France to work as Doctor and she told me that she's severally under payed compared to local Franche doctors and what the Franche does is that they send Algerian doctors to small villages in France where no one wants to go to and if she wants to get to be paid the same as a local doctor she needs to go through many tests to prove her level so yeah

    It's simultaneously hilarious and terrifying that someone can imply this is due to racism rather than vastly different medical education standards in the two countries.


    I live in france and my family in algeria so as someone who used to spend his entire summer in algeria and was sick very often

    I think it's probably because medecine and medication in algeria and france aren't the same

    I remember i had a mouth ulcer at one point they only gave me a cream in algeria and in 2 weeks almost nothing change

    When i came back in france i got a med and in 1 week it disappear

    The kid of the neighbour of my cousin in algeria had to get his appenditicis remove and he died because they messed up the procedure while removing an appenditicis in France is one of the most safe surgery

    Also my family in algeria often ask my mom to send them with someone or bring them when she go in algeria some drugs because the one their doctors arennt very good or just aren't as good than the french one

    I don't think it's a racism situation here more like the way medecine is handling in algeria compare to here are completely different

  • "protesters" defacing a Holocaust Memorial.

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  • Well you clearly don't know the educational system in Algeria the medical studies are the same as France we follow the exact same system if we didn't France wouldn't take them to work as Doctors in France you'll be surprised to see that everything comes down to racism.

    Le problem en Algérie c'est pas le manque de compétences mais plutôt le manque de matériel médical il y a un grand manque de médicaments en Algérie

  • Well you clearly don't know the educational system in Algeria the medical studies are the same as France we follow the exact same system if we didn't France wouldn't take them to work as Doctors in France you'll be surprised to see that everything comes down to racism.

    Le problem en Algérie c'est pas le manque de compétences mais plutôt le manque de matériel médical il y a un grand manque de médicaments en Algérie

    2 / Doctors from outside the European Union who want to settle in France

    If you hold a foreign medical degree, you are subject to the following authorization procedure:

    • A theoretical test called the knowledge check, which takes place once a year
    • Practice for 3 years in a medical service approved for the training of interns
    • Temporary or final authorization issued by an authorization commission
    • Knowledge of the French language

    Though EU doctors have an easier path, France's rule for non-EU doctors appears to apply equally to Algerians, Americans, Bolivians, Japanese, and Antarcticans. ¬‿¬

    Is your actual position that Algerians should be entitled to EU membership and privileges?

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