is it possible to make a best friend when you turn 18+ 7
yes (6) 86%
no (1) 14%
I never had this problem when I was younger, as a matter of fact I used to have multiple best friends. But after I got into college I realized that I now have to put in the work and effort to become somebodies friend rather than having the convivence of being in the same 8 hour class 5 days a week. Everyone in college just attends an hour lecture and then goes back home.
I am really struggling with this because deep in the inside I am a girls girl and crave a deep and meaningful friendship with a girl. I'm afraid that college will be my last chance of finding a girl best friend because when I start working I feel like it will become even worse.
The other thing is I have this problem only specifically with girls only. I have an easy time becoming friends or best friends with guys because guys are driven with an alternative motive like secretly wanting to date you so they go out of their way to build the friendship but its the opposite with girls. I feel like I have to impress them and make them want me instead.
The few times where I went out for lunch with a female acquaintance I always feel so nervous and scared of what they are thinking about me. I never enjoy myself and normally when I get back home I start ghosting them because I feel so overwhelmed. I just wish I can skip past the awkward stage and just become best friends with somebody but I know thats not the case. And it doesnt help that I am also an introvert. This semester my main focus will be to find a best friend.
Can any of you guys give me tips on how to make a girl bestfriend as an adult and what qualities other girls are looking for in a friendship? and what qualities turn people away from a friendship
I also want to add that most of my best friends that are girls right now are people that I grew up with or my cousins so I feel like there is a limit to how much I can be myself around them. I want somebody who I can share my life with.