This is a sensitive topic, but first I want to say as one born in a western european country, I'm a very open minded person. I support diversity, I support inclusion and I'm happy to see Kpop and Korea is slowly opening up for other nationalities than the typical east-asian as idols.
But I'm also worried for the ''western'' influence or too much of it. That everything has to meet the standards of western ideology which has a lot of positive things, and some of those are inclusion and diversity like I talked about. But if everything from society structures to art are identical in the whole world, doesn't that means a genre like Kpop will not look like Kpop anymore? I don't have the answer, but I wonder what you guys think about it.
There are lot of reasons why I enjoy Kpop, but one of the main ones that got me into the genre is to get away from western pop. Which I still like, but there are lot of it that I don't and I needed a change.