music trend you're glad died out?
Retro omg let it die 😭
Mix music...
Mix music...
isn't this still ongoing
Retro omg let it die 😭
i love retro so muchhhhhh
yeah i'm not into the noisy noise, it gets weird when ggs start sounding like bgs
sorry I read the title wrong... thought you meant which trend I wish died out.
isn't this still ongoing
I'm not sure mix music died yet, though Nmixx recent comeback didn't have a "mix" part so we might be getting there. Though I could be wrong, I only heard it once.
Let's see what happens with Aespas comeback.
it can be either. what you want to die out, what you want to stay forever and ever, what you're glad did or glad did not
it's prob good that aespa hasn't claimed "mixing genres" or anything so if they stop doing it it's not really a big deal
but nmixx is literally mixxxx and they claimed mixpop so like.....they can't escape now
in 2012 (mb 2013 too?) the immense amount of dubstep in kpop, i fully blame pledis for that.
ngl i have always hated dubstep and i hope that stays dead in the ground
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