All the new Brave Girls fan are success stan -__-

  • and don't tell me the lame excuse of " i just didn't know them"

    a lot of people promoted them when they were still nugu making some thread about them but you didn't care

    a lot of people promoted we ride when it was release 6 months ago and made a lot of thread about the song but you didn't check them because you weren't interest in them

    and now suddenly that they are gaining fame you want to check them, so you are success stans

    sorry i just needed to let all my frustration let go to see all these peoples who didn't care when Brave girls were releasing bops after bops after bops

    but now suddenly that they are topping the chart you are all interest in them, and you'll all act like you like them for their music , when all you care is their success

    you all did this when EXID was becoming popular with UP&down but when they start to lose fame with Night rather than day and DDD none of you care about them anymore !!!!

    ✩We Born with the X-Gene✩

  • well that might not be true for example I'm not a success stan because I never said I will stan Brave Girls

    I'm just happy for them so I'm posting about them

    everyone like some lil cinderella story

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  • LoL, be happy they are getting attention now. They were indeed very nugu and not everyone saw their fans promoting them. So now that they are getting all this hype of course they will gain more fans since they just got exposed to them. I don’t think it’s fair to call everyone who stans them now success stans, especially since they aren’t that successful yet either. They are on the rise.

    Also not everyone who talks about them now is actually stanning them, just happy that another nugu might get a chance to be successful.

  • nothing lame about not knowing them though... they were really nugu of the nugu

    most people talked about them now because they are excited about the well-deserved success. even if some of them are only success stans...well, better than having none at all

  • You don't want them to gain fans or what? Even if they are 'success' stans, who cares? The point is more people should listen to them in the first place.

    EXID's problem was Hani (and maybe Solji)'s popularity far outpaced the group's. Once Hani's popularity started to wane, EXID's did too. Since BGs went viral for their song, hopefully it'll be different.

  • I always liked Brave Girls and their music but I never became a fan or stan because they were a nugu gg and I didn't want to get attached since Brave Bros has dropped them in the past. Now that they have some success brings stability to the group and I feel better about being a fan now. I think a lot of people can relate to that and it's not necessarily us being success stans.

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